
But shes not right about damseling either. Its more hateful to men. Think about it, who has it worse, mario who dies violently over and over for the sake of a girl, or the girl who sits comfortably waiting. Again, she argues this normalizes violence against women but she keeps ignoring the violence against men to get

Incorrect. Gta on psp was exploited to hack it. Wii got hacked through an exploit in smash bros and zelda. All through save data. Youre making excuses, bad ones

Anita is a horrible example. Her hitman video for example has her herself killing hundreds of men (left out of the video) to get to the point where she can kill 2 women, because no other lets player killed them (they walked by) while claiming they were put there for that purpose and gamers couodnt help but abuse them.

Thats still a hack you jackass. Gamecube also got hacked from pso.

The web browser is used for pretty much every app you can use in game. Like miiverse for example

they tried that in a tos ep with the organians. Kirk felt it fair play to intervene in the same way. Turned out the lesser species only pretended to be. Then they forced a peace treaty on the Klingons and federation

they also tried that in voyager. It went, badly twice

theres an ep of enterprise like that

thr captains usually do help though

the kazon get replicator schematics and blew up a starship. One species got antimatter tech and destroyed their planet.

but it doesn't apply here. He's only there cause he tested a time machine on himself. Its heavily implied god is directing him. And its not cause he's white that he knows what to do, its cause he's from the future. Quit looking for racism where none exists. Especially when that show was extremely inclusive.

agreed. That's just reaching to the extreme.

dreamcast got hacked with PSO through its connection. Just cause you don't know about all hacks doesn't mean they don't exist. Quit making excuses. Oh but you bring that hack up and you're still an ass about it? You're why I hate Nintendo fanboys.

Not hard at all.

I read circlepad as cripplepad

Again, nothing more than a bad excuse. If you're so afraid of piracy that you're willing to punish legit users, then you've lost already. Better remove those USB ports, that's how PS3 got hacked. Better remove the SD card slot, that's how Wii got hacked (My Wii U is hacked already using the same methods) Better remove

Why not? The other side is guilty of the same things. And you calling them losers already makes them victims. You seem fine with bullying them.

The problem is it's only a small number of gamers doing the harassing, and a large number of journalists saying it's all of them. Many journalists outright lied about what Leigh's article was.

I own a 3DS. It's nothing like Vita/what I want.

That sounds like a bad excuse