
thats a good idea but it should have been phrased more politely

So did PSP which came out at the same time. And PSP/Vita still does it better than even 3DS, which has no auto-suspend timer. Which is fucking stupid cause Wii U does.

"The Vita does not have anywhere near as many games as my 3DS, "

I have a 32 GB card and it's not enough. There are a LOT of Vita games

I loved Ace Combat on PSP, I'd love it on Vita

*childhood ruined*

follow your own advice first or you cant expect others to do what you refuse to do

some sort of run-by injectable expanding-rubber womb that you insert your ovum into and it takes sperm directly from the testicles, repeatedly, turning them into baby factories.

a fetus is not a child. Man up and educate yourself.

you left out revenge porn

Yes! I was hoping this would get extra-google+ coverage

when i take over the world im putting you in charge of this shit since you're clearly more qualified than the idiots who run it now

what the hell man? You cant admit its blind paranoia! You have to roll with it all the way pushing it as fact like actual paranoids do

everyone keeps saying we did but ive never seen proof

agreed. I have that game. It sucked. It wasn't worth playing multiple times then, and sure as hell wouldn't be worth buying again.

they didn't count my vote for silent scope...

what is the first pic from? Its adorable


obligatory: we're going to need a bigger box

what part of that video was fun for the player?