
You can't have more shielding, by removing it.

"Yeah, because making fun of someone is totally the same as oppressing them!

i enjoyed the article.

Did you see how it crystallized and shattered violently? Imagine that in your brain

Stop with the imperial measurements. Fahrenheit? I didn't know any of those numbers. You're scientists, act like it! Use metric/kelvin for cryin' out loud

I've been told that works very well on dating sites by my friends.

Don't forget to take the battery out. It's the only way to be sure

So what you're saying is, racism against white people is the only racism that's ok.

I already am.

You're a good parent

You mean like how spam works knowing that the more they put out there, the higher the odds some idiot will fall for it?

"I get a good kick out of stereotypes about white "

"This is a site for women"

Can't. It MUST be whites only. Otherwise you're racist.

Well if you dare say not all white men do this, then they'll say you're part of the problem

Is your point seriously that they dont have it so bad, but everyone is ok to be bigoted assholes to them?

more like removing the hull plating and exposing everyone to the dangers of space

my first thought too

i call it a nipple mouse, and ended up being caught by a ten year old saying it. She asked why i called it that. Ummm.,,

at a cost of sensitivity