Any article with a Doug Demuro reference should started with..“THIS is the (insert car name)“
Any article with a Doug Demuro reference should started with..“THIS is the (insert car name)“
Press ‘F’ To Pay Respects
For me, the scariest sound is some small change in the normal running sounds. What the hell is that and how much time and money is it going to cost? Still gets my heart pounding.
The sound of an explosion followed by a white cloud. That usually means the radiator exploded, the engine overheated, and the wallet got a lot lighter.
We aren’t going to get it, so don’t get too worked up. Plus the crossover hate is getting really boring. Most people can’t handle the power they have in their Camry without nanny systems and everyone here wants everything to be agressive driving machines. But you all killed coupes and the manual transmission because…
I still hate the name “Steptronic.”
“special safety blanket”
And you need to calm the entire fuck down, guy.
I want the Audi Funk button. Not sure what it does. Presumably it makes the HVAC blow that weird moldy sock smell like you sometimes get when you first turn on the AC. Ewww, what’s that funk?!
I feel a kinship with this VW as I am also old, high-mileage, slow and unmarketable. CP for self-loathing.
“Human nature” has got to be the shittiest excuse anyone has ever come up with for acting like a jackass.
This is just another sad story of cops trying to profit off of innocent drivers that are fully-capable of jumping their cars and should not be hassled by “the man”. The fact that he crashed has nothing to do with this. Everyone makes mistakes.
I can’t believe how often this needs to be re-stated:
You’re talking to yourself again.
“Elon Musk Is Doubling Down on the Pedo Thing”
We’re also glad you’re not a cop. Psychopath.
Does anybody else think it’s weird that this centers around Instagram and Musk JUST QUIT Insta?
Standard & Poor’s gives this one a CCC: extremely speculative, non-investment grade (AKA junk bonds)
Have some decency!