Neon Moron

He was the best part of “Hell On Wheels,” the show I and maybe six other people watched.

I’d be wary of starting a Foundation adaption with the Mule because so much of what gives the Mule’s arc the dramatic weight that it carries is the fact that it manages to topple an organization that the reader has learned to think of as increasingly unstoppable over the course of half the book (and a few centuries’

Correct. The characters are barely characters, instead serving as conduits for competing concepts, vying for control over a chaotic galaxy.

Mr. Feeny, I’m a big fan of your feet.

I had a similar experience. I think it’s because, up until that point, I (and many other viewers, I’d imagine) was thoroughly enjoying watching her downfall at the hands of the mob; of falling victim to her own hubris.

There’s one aspect of The Kid that I think is genuinely interesting, enough to justify the character’s existence for me: he’s the only character being beckoned by Flagg who isn’t impressed or intimidated by Flagg whatsoever. Every other character’s relationship with Flagg consists of admiration, terror, morbid

I wonder if the Rat Man will forgive us this time.

Josto & Oraetta are Lorne Malvo’s parents. Calling it now.

So much of American politics, especially (though not exclusively) for Republicans, is obsessed with posturing and demonstrations of strength, dominance, and superiority. Showing how we can “win.”

He’s pretty fun in the Netflix show “Dead To Me”

Shiv has repeatedly alluded to meeting Tom when she “was in a bad place.” It’s never made clear what that actually means, but my guess is that he proved himself caring, loyal, and protective at a time where she desperately needed it, and although that’s been enough to keep them together (so far), she’s never actually b

Why does nobody know how to hop a fence

A few questions/concerns I’ve got going into this:

This is great.

Minor correction: Stranger Things Season 2 dropped October 2017, not “last” October.

Something that I’ve always loved about The Good Place is that I absolutely have zero inkling of what to expect at any time. I don’t “want” anything, because I can’t even imagine what a conclusion for a show like this could even look like.

In this musical finale, we dramatize the death of Maura in an odyssey of comedy and melancholy told through the joyful prism of melody and dance”

I just realized that somebody already made this point in the thread. Whoops.

The young-ish Roland saga of “The Wind Through The Keyhole” is pretty weird and fun, too.

Controllers look exactly like the Ouya.