
"Nickles is money, too."-Pickles the drummer

I've never liked the looks of the S2000. It's just… meh. Plain, even awkward looking to me. The RX-8 isn't bad, unless you compare it to the RX-7, of course. The Mitsouka, egad, that's hideous.

All commenting here has done for me today is get my blood pressure up.

I guess that my problem with the Patriarchy is that it's traditional definition has been a society ruled by men. Maybe you mean, "some men who really wish women would get back in the kitchen and fix me some dinner, and possibly some women who agree with this," but the fact is it's a loaded word.

@ SarahMC

The patriarchy.

@LooseBaggyMonster: Yes, I agree with you. I don't think I explained my reasoning very well. I have no problem with feminism; I have a problem with anti-male sexism disguised as feminism. I have a problem with the message that physical violence towards males is okay, that we don't feel pain or that our feelings are

As a man, I have to say to a certain degree I agree with parts of her argument. If you look at popular culture, especially commercials, what does one see? Do you see people treated as equals, or do you see idiotic men with women rolling their eyes at their boorish stupidity?

I have three first names, and thus am so full of rage that I can barely breathe.

"Whenever there are clouds in the heavens, we'll know it's you showing God how to do a great burnout."

Fox M93A1 Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance System. []

I'm just not into race cars. It's pretty and goes like hell, but if it's not street legal then I don't see it in my fantasy garage. Had to vote no.

I didn't get my license until I was 17 and I don't recall the world ending. OTOH, I was a huge nerd and vastly unpopular.

@ Lemondriver

I always thought truck nuts showed that your truck was a substitute for your tiny, tiny penis.

@ theguinnesstooth

Fortunately, I have never been stranded by running out of gas. When I was living in SW Virginia I did come close, however, driving on the backroads between Radford and a cheap station in Christiansburg. There are some pretty steep hills in between and my car started sputtering as I was going up them. I didn't realize

I always thought it was a good idea to look tired and kind of stressed out for your driver's license photo, so when the nice officer asks for it they may be convinced you look like that normally and not prolong the encounter more than necessary.

Tell y'all what, if the Germans ever win a world war, we'll be very, very careful to pronounce it "porr-sha" or however they want it to be. Until then, if someone says porsh or porsh-uh, it don't really matter to me. Same with other Deutchlander and Nipponese brands.