
Not that I want to Encourage Criminal Behavior, but it occurred to me recently that this was a good way to obscure the inside of your vehicle without having illegally dark window tinting.

First of all, if you bought the car, it is yours to do with as you please, no matter how spiffy, rare or whathaveyou. If you want to spend your fortune buying every '57 Chevy Bel Air you can, pointing them at a brick wall and putting a cinderblock on the gas, that's your right, as long as you don't try to collect the

Others have from time to time suggested that the framers of the Bill of Rights never envisioned the comparatively high-powered weaponry available at present, which may well be true. However, they do seem to have wanted the citizenry to be armed at least to the point of resisting tyranny, which would not rule out the

Hydrogen is pretty much just a gimmick, albeit a popular one. True, it's emissions are water vapor, but to get the hydrogen you either have to a.) use electrolysis to split water you have into hydrogen and oxygen, which uses more energy than you get back from burning hydrogen, or b.) convert methane into hydrogen and

Did anyone else find the Forbes site incredibly annoying?

Yes, a good tip to all you armor designers out there: 1) Make sure you include a machine gun. It is hard to hit Russians/insurgents/anybody on foot with an 88mm gun and no turret. 2) There is a proper balance between mobility and armor. This isn't it. 3) Reliability (T-76s) beats elegance (this).

I just don't get Corvettes. They don't seem very special to me, and look bleh: variations on the same '67 Sting Ray theme. Now if Chevy went retro and had an updated '57-'62 design…

Paid $2.09/g at a Sam's Club in Atlanta yesterday.

The problem is I bet a lot of people who buy 2WD SUVs drive them in bad weather like they were 4WD.

I hope these thing drives like sin, because looks wise I have always thought they were awful. No style, no grace…

I would have turned off the car and put on the emergency brake when I got out to change the spare. Just a minor quibble.

Why on earth would Kanye lose the frivilous lawsuit? All he needs to say is that he was parodying Evel and he is off the hook - and, having seen the video, he would be correct.