Lets not forget “I did it!”
Lets not forget “I did it!”
Idk, I’m 16 and I nag at my girlfriend to turn her phone off because I want to see supes, batman, and wonder woman kick the crap out of doomsday.
Chris, do you happen to be a UFC fan by chance?
Yes, in the UFC, they judge based off of number of significant strikes, ratio of significant strikes, takedowns, center cage control, escapes, etc. I imagine they’d judge normally if it was a truly simultaneous knockout.
Wait, was that an overwatch character that widowmaker killed? Like Zen or Zen-something? I don’t keep up with the characters.
So I read Jalopnik because I love the community and the articles, but I have zero knowledge about cars and races, does he have to make up his laps? Or does he just join in with the group to fight for first again?
I kinda wish there was this (extremely annoying) to do list like this except whenever I unlock my phone, it opens so I HAVE to see what I have in store for the day, not a notification because I instantly silence that, but pulls up the app and shows me everything.
I’m waiting for someone to put Passion Ebbs, Negligence Isn’t Safe.
Fucking crying at the cm punk ‘shop
Would you say helping the homeless individually or through organizations would be better? I haven’t got the experience but I imagine individually is much more gratifying because you get to see someone change.
I liked it, not because of story, but it was really fun to watch. Like the beginning when the A-list mutants came in and wrecked house
I have no idea what that first rhetorical question is refering to, and that last one takes my words way out of context. It bothers me, and so does people dying, I said show respect and you come back asking if you comment offends me more than people dying. That does not equate whatsoever. You even admit you crossed the…
I’m not talking about him, I’m talking about you. He said something pretty mean, you said something worse. Why not, you know, call him out on saying something like that instead of just insulting each other like children?
Not funny, that crossed the fucking line. I’m conservative, I still have respect liberals, but you have no respect for conservatives. Perhaps you should take a look how any overthrown republic or democracy starts with a disarmed populus. Have a good day and show some fucking respect towards the dead and other people’s…
My man, I’m not gonna argue, today is already a good day.
I’m 100% against the idea of this. Think of it, us as human brings want to take the path of least resistance. Painless divorce, if that is even possible, is a resistance free route. So what’s to stop an angry wife in the first 1-10 years of a relationship to end it after a bad fight. A decision that she would regret?…
Just sayin, it took Ultron a couple of minutes on the internet to decide that the human race should be wiped off the face of Earth (616 mind you)
Is it me or does that rock look like less shiny galleum (Pretty sure I spelt that wrong)
God AC 3 sucked, i beat it with the starter weapon and didn’t even use the currency except for rope darts.