neon wario

I’m 25. That’s around the age of most of our staff writers. Go ride your horse to the tonic bar, Santa. 

Fuck off nerd

Just pay for the beer next time, man.

Shocking news that being shoeless is a notable characteristic in Kentucky. 

California tends not to understand economics

That’s not nearly so clear cut as you make it sound.

I can’t tell if you’re serious or not, but if you are serious I’m glad to be the first person to call you an ignorant little shit who needs to bone up on the most basic facts.

Is that where you finally remember your own actions from the night before and shrink in shame?

When they agreed to participate in the Free File Alliance in exchange for the government not creating its own good, free filing system so that Intuit and other tax preparation companies could continue to profit off what should be an extremely simple process.

I’m going to guess that the firing was due to the manager getting chewed out by higher-ups at the franchise or corporate level, and scapegoating the employee to cover their own ass.

Because if the cops don’t obey the laws, why should we?

Here’s an alternative view: this policeman has a position with a lot of power (e.g. the ability to arrest) and he used this power illegally to cover up one of his illegal and potentially deadly mistakes. He should be arrested, punished, and blacklisted from working in this industry for life.

Except the devil; he’s into advocates.

A word of advice, no one else likes when you play devil's advocate.

As a graduate from an extremely well funded engineering school, let me assure you that additional “STEM” training (got I hate that acronym) does not make people less likely to do stupidly dangerous things. Instead, you get more elaborate, dangerous stupid decisions. Frequently even turning otherwise safe activities

It’s not really an original look like a McLaren, or R8, or Ford GT, or Alfa 4C.

Somms are the vegan-crossfitters of the beverage industry.

To Lynxonyx,

And you’re going to do us the favor of not telling us which they are? 

I can tell you tried so hard and have so much heart, but you have so much heart that you have a heart for a brain. Sober up and edit your comment.