neon wario

Yikes, Ash. This is beneath you.

No way BH has that kind of burrito budget.

It’s also a joke, so there’s that.

Headline “You won’t believe what happens when this man drives a Porsche 918 at 217 mph in the Australian outback”

Well, if one implements a stupid idea, at least it ought to be a fun one. The icons shown here alone are worth the effort it took to integrate!

tell some one who gives a crap

I would never drink this garbage.. I only like real beer craft ales.

Yes. Those six cylinders should be arranged in a line, front to back.

It is if you’re a mouth-breather who knows they wouldn’t be buying this car even if it had a V8.

Is a 380hp V6 really that bad ?

I never said he should. There are those that will blame him for Jeremy getting (myself not included) and make questionable reactions to seeing Osmin.

I have only known for the past few minutes and if you excuse me I very desperately have to write the eBay listing for my Ferrari.

I feel sorry for Tymon. He did nothing wrong and he will have to absorb the ire and hate of obsession-blind Clarkson fans.

I'm impressed and surprised that it was Clarkson who reported the incident himself. If there were as many witnesses as it seems I would have thought it would have been done by someone else.

I'm not going to blame anyone other than Clarkson, but if there was a job opening to serve him steak while being brutally assaulted I would be there with bells on.

I'm sad about this, but if we're all being honest, he has crossed the line numerous times...more than probably anyone else would have been allowed. The show will live on. Frankly, Richard Hammond is a better presenter than Jeremy, in my opinion. They need to hire Chris Harris and Sabine Schmitz, let Hammond be the

Here comes the lunatic fans who are going blame everyone but Clarkson. Reading the comments yesterday was disturbing.

I can't even justify why I'm so upset about it. In theory Clarkson had it coming and it was totally justified, but goddammit I love the big oaf and will miss him dearly.

listen, I like Top Gear too, but at some point you can't continually justify/defend someone's increasingly boorish behavior because they happen to be involved with something we like. That would make us no better than NFL fans.

Don't be stupid, he totally brought this on himself by attacking another BBC employee.