neon wario

From the States, Vacation up in cottage country in Ontario, always amazed at the number of Confederate Battle Flags crackpot conspiracy signs and other assorted racist crappery that was flying from people’s homes and outside of their homes when you are out in that portion that is north of Toronto a good deal, but also

Good on them to establish up front they were only going to do it until they killed someone.

I’m tangentially involved in the fashion industry and I can tell you a number of large companies have done research into sustainability and scoring of raw materials and find leather to be more sustainable than a lot of high performing synthetic material.

The short version: You now take much better care of both your body and your finances.

Let me do a little copyediting for you on the punctuation:

Getting a tortilla with a bowl for the same price as a burrito which is conceptually the same thing isn’t “appalling.” That Chipotle does incur extra cost from additional bowl fillings and a bowl and this charges $0.25 isn’t “appalling” either. Nothing about this is altogether remarkable. 

On what planet does Toronto not get hot in summer? Personally, I call a humidex of 41 Celcius pretty damn hot.

You guys don’t have to read or comment! Strange that you still do.

“cancel culture” claims another victim ;)

Right? They’re just a bunch of shitkickers who are all supposed to drive those abhorrent pickup trucks.

excluding pickup trucks

Yes, the article very clearly discusses how it’s funded. In fact, it’s central to the premise of the article. 

British men are not known for aging gracefully. The exceptions to the rule are exceptions because of how much an outlier they are.

Hey, 8 months is a great run for an Italian car. That’s like 300,000 miles on a Lexus. 

I own a BMW 850,  Maserati is easy

I clicked on this article because the Popeyes in the header photo is one I eat my feelings at sometimes at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto.

Well, it shouldn’t be too hard when traveling along the 401 corridor between Windsor and London - they don’t exist.

Hey, big fan of your beer writing. Just one comment (which happens to be a pet peeve of mine): I think you’re referring to 5% ABV, not ABW (although, it’s in the context of a quote, so there’s a good chance I’m wrong...)

Can you believe that I’ve written three books and been nominated for a James Beard award? The world is a crazy place!

Is this guy building a ship in a bottle or trying to comprehend the plot of Mullholand Drive at his table or something? What are you doing that is so intrinsically focused that a server checking in is shattering your peace? You’re in a different culture, if we come to your country we would be seen as rude Americans if