
His contemporaries will be able to marvel at the magnificence of your sideburns, at any time they wish, via a computer in their own home connected to a vast library of historical images.

This is is why my novel about a disenchanted housewife who decides to reclaim her sense of adventure and romance by leaving her boring husband and heading to the Pacific Northwest to fuck Bigfoot should be a huge bestseller.

Eliminating sleep will no doubt be on 2014 list of science fictiony prediction that came true, then you can review my alien Sasquatch erotica.

Philip Pullman: YA.

Dude, Dhalsim is in that movie!

The Master of the Flying Guillotine. Please watch this trailer — I promise it will be 90 seconds well spent!

Very under-rated fantasy series. He beat vampires, mummies and Eric Estrada in a pink leisure suit (shudder.)

'The bible is a little less clear on the matter of kneecaps'.

Supergran of course. Man, '80s kids TV was utterly demented.


I cut my sci-fi teeth on Heinlein's juveniles so for me that was never an issue. I think there are a couple things that YA can do exceptionally poorly, that adult books generally do better so if those things are on your "I HATE that" list, you'd find a lot of YA a slog.

A Hispanic colleague asked me this week why we Anglo people never name our kids Jesus. I told him it is because we are insecure and didn't want to call attention to the fact that there never HAS been a white guy named Jesus.

I want this.

They should have known when the "medical tablet" played cassette tapes.

I'm going to hook up an ipod and some speakers to my jacket and blast this next time I go to the grocery store.

thanks citizen

Due to extensive research done by the League University of Science, diamond has been confirmed as the the hardest metal known the man. The research is as follows.

Ah yes - came here to post this one. It's not that it was horrid from a psycho-social viewpoint... the main problem was that GDW had the "brilliant" idea to convert all their game systems to a straight 1d10 format. Not a percentile system, or a 2d6 format like the old Traveller system, where you at least had a bit of