
Wikipedia and the internet in general. A perfect storm for lunatics and theorists. (and porn)

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A little bit down to earth we have this:

Indeed. I have too. At least fully twice. Probably in bits and pieces more.

Oh, and it's still a better love story than Twilight.

Without question:

How could I forget about the delicious Felix??!?! I need to rewatch. STAT.

Squirrel Girl, the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe

Now playing

The magnificent Edna Mode form The Incredibles.

this one's so easy and blatantly obvious it's a little disheartening no one's mentioned it yet (as of 2:15pm west coast time)...HE WAS ONLY ON THE SCREEN FOR A LITTLE OVER 16 MINUTES, IN A FILM THAT WAS 118 MINUTES LONG!

General Zod from Superman 2 and the three words that became memorable and famous from all the Superman movies.

(drops mic)

Serious question.

Will this include huge, awkwardly shaped spacecraft?

The worse part of boandlukeanthropy is having all of your screw ups narrated by Waylon Jennings

So they dissed the evidence based on a fear of sympathetic magic.

What? Nobody?

OK, time to enter this race:


Would you PLEASE not use that word?!? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!