
This won't be popular but...

The DVD commentary from Boorman is decidedly relaxed yet also unhinged, The first view is from the kitchen in his cottage in Wales and as soon as Connery appears he says something like "Ah! Here's Sean in a nice wig!"

The scene where the priest is listening to Death Metal to find evil is very funny and i was sold from then on!

El Dia Del Bestia is great! I caught it on late night TV once and was hooked. I really enjoyed it!

I saw this in the cinema not having seen the first one and for ages wondered why people didn't like this... i did like the Michael Ironside train sequence...

Cronenberg made a comment that he *could* have made a faithful version of the book but it would've cost 10 times the budget and be banned by every country in the world...

My long suffering wife was once half seriously/half jokingly making fun of my odd taste in movies and said something like

See the film Dust Devil for an extraordinary scene incorporating this town

A great show but they realised too late that the most interesting characters had been kept as second rank. Robert Carlyle was great with the stuff he was given but his plotline dragged on forever... Eli should've definitely become the star/heart of the show if they'd ever made another season/closure-movie.

An awesome movie... much underrated.

Not forgetting the season 1 drinking game of taking a shot everytime the Dog appeared for no reason...

Thanks for that!

Does Unwritten have a creepy scene where Winnie the Pooh takes a character down some "bumpy-stairs" to an underworld where all the unused characters of fiction exist in limbo?

That comic, was deeply unsettling.

According to Star Trek Monocosms are really into tabards. Which would imply that maybe they all have trade links with a Meta-Monocosm Tabard Empire.

Only The Core dared to drill to the centre of the Cheese.

The thought of Worf and his honour (the right to kill people who hurt his feelings) is one of the many things that leave a bad taste in my mouth about ST:TNG.

Plus Dantes Peak had Death by pyroclastic cloud (and no moralising finale)

Always enjoyed Dante's Peak more...

I like to watch Roland Emmerich films where things explode and the world is in peril.

Tremors.. always tremors... even if i catch it half way through on late night TV, I'll always watch a few minutes.