
I know that Neumeiers script borrowed heavily from certain 2000AD elements, but i was unaware it was that connected!

The film looked flat and low budget from the first five minutes, not always a bad sign but crucial for pushing a mid-budget sci-fi of a character that many will only have a heard of in terms of the woeful Stallone version. Dredd is well known amongst sci-fi/comic fans, obviously, but to make a enough money to be

I was hoping this would reveal the dubious concept of building on Mrs Kwan in Cat-In-the-Hat-Opoly

Would've loved to see them film the prequel

Needs more seasoned veteran and less bland sidekick(s).

Maybe there'll an easter egg where James Hong is disguised to look like... James Hong! And in a cunning triple bluff, the banana gun *is* deadly!

Yes but JAMES HONG with deadly banana gun!

I think you're probably right in the short term [100 years or so] but I'm curious how we'll adapt over a longer period. The million year period Olaf Stapledon wrote about in First and Last Men, suggested that as each planet became uninhabitable we will adapt ourselves rather than by terraforming worlds or becoming a

Do you foresee an Olaf Stapleton style continuous deliberate genetic manipulation/updating for survival in ever more harsh environments?

1) Has been done as a series of texts between two characters in the OVA anime "Voices of a Distant Star" by Makoto Shinkai.