Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”
Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”
The moment when she got read for the absurd liar she is: Anderson doesn’t say a thing, he just reflexively can’t stop laughing at her (though finally he blurts out, “This is so stupid!”). Anyone who hasn’t seen this, let this minute and a half brighten your day....
Beautiful. You nailed the disinterested expression.
Omg, white dog plays Wednesday. Cool!
I fucking love how much she says fuck. Also, much appreciate her saying us childless women are brave. I get so many annoying comments about my lack of children...why don’t you have kids? When are you going to have kids? Don’t you want kids? What, you don’t have kids? Oh, you’ll change your mind, kids are the most…
The coke all over his nose and suit is a hoot!
Wednesday Dog and Pugsly Cat made me laugh out loud!
remember when oprah went to visit the colonial village realty show and thought no one would recognize her (for some reason??) and all the women LOST THEIR SHIT?
This entire episode could have been titled “Kelly Dodd offending groups and individuals and making really sad jokes.” Seriously, I cringed every time she interacted with an Irish person. That shit about asking how Irish people say “top of the morning” and then talking about “me Lucky Charms”!? WTF was that. And MAJOR…
I always kind of love these kinds of stories, partly because it shows how much of what makes art ‘good’ in people’s eyes is “was done by someone famous/ has some weird story the artist made up about it.” I find it hilarious that paintings that people think are so low quality they stuff them in the attic/ sell them for…