If they would have at least put in a "pass the controller" local multiplayer I'd have picked it up already this morning. My gf and I were both excited for this game until I figured out there was no local MP. Now we've decided to wait for a bit.
If they would have at least put in a "pass the controller" local multiplayer I'd have picked it up already this morning. My gf and I were both excited for this game until I figured out there was no local MP. Now we've decided to wait for a bit.
Yes, it does seem odd. I was hoping for two different versions. I think it's a huge mistake on N's part, but it's not like it's the first time I've seen gaming companies make stupid decisions.
I bought Skyrim originally for my PS3 used and then returned it when I found a good deal on a PC from craigslist. It isn't a high end model, but even on Skyrim's lowest settings it looks a lot better than the PS3 version did, and no where near as many bugs.
I don't play it online. I'm not good enough and get tired of having my ass handed to me. It's just a good game to have around for some offline multiplayer when I feel like letting my gf beat up on me for a while, or some friends come over.
Great move on their part as far as I'm concerned. I was waiting for the price to drop, now the used versions of the original will go dirt cheap and I'll just pay for Freddy. I love them creating incentives for me to buy used.
I had both and liked the GG over GB in almost every aspect. Only played GB for Tetris, while sonic got tons of hours out of me. I could never talk my parents into buying me the tuner, though.
The Oakley Thumps they refer to don't look like 3D glasses to me, and I would assume that the text input would be mostly relying on voice control which is getting to be pretty good lately.
If given the option, I really think I would give up 20 years of my life span to be able to come back for 5 years 1,000 or 2,000 years in the future....just to see what happened and all the new inventions. I don't think that is ego so much as curiosity. It's not death that worries me, it's what I'll miss.
Amalur came out right when I was losing interest in Skyrim. I'm very glad I gave it a shot.
Yeah, but the screen is a big turn off. I have the Atrix right now, and if it had a slide out keyboard it would be my favorite phone so far.
Fuck. I was stoked to finally own a "belly warmer".
I hope someone does the keypad thing right soon. It's the only thing I miss from my BB days.
Firefly, Breaking Bad and American Horror Story are some of my favorites. Lost was a good one to watch on DVD, too.
Yeah, it was a sad decision, especially for an SS game. They have said they decided not to have it because the online uses up too many resources, or some line of crap like that. They could have atleast set up a way to load multiple system users and you take turns going down the mountain. So, it's on my "buy it used…
No offline multiplayer. I was getting stoked for it as a game for me and my gf to have to sit around and play together. From what I understand of the online multiplayer, yes, it's just like racing against ghosts. I'm waiting for the price to drop for sure.
Mario Land was pretty fun, and I really liked the Resident Evil demo. It's my kid's, so I probably won't bother buying RE, though. Mario Kart is fun, also. But I'm really looking forward to Luigi's Mansion. For an "on the go" system that is plenty of titles to justify spending $150. I'm sure he's gotten at least…
Well, with the PS3 they pulled b/c with PS2, removed all the extra inputs, removed Other OS then added the Cinavia stuff so my backed up movies on my external wouldn't work anymore. We won't know what they will remove from the Vita until people learn how to hack it, I would guess. However a person gets into it, Sony…
It is more about all the things they removed from the PS3 than what they aren't offering for Vita. I just know that they will come out and say it has features, then remove them later through "updates". That's how they suckered me into going Sony this generation. I'm just bitter.
I used to love Sony, I really did. They have just made it too hard these last few years. Any chance of me buying a Vita (which wasn't much of one) just faded.
I'll pay for it if they bring it to Android. I've been seriously hooked on TD games lately.