
I really don't want to see Spider-man shooting "natural" silk out his arse. While it is amusing to visualize him swinging from building to building in this way, the fight scenes couldn't possibly be taken seriously.

Ok you do that I'll just keep drinking whiskey.

I'm sorry. I just take it a bit personally. I had a very Christian teacher for Biology in high school. Evolution was one of the chapters I was actually looking forward to. When we reached it he said "Well, they say that I have to teach this nonsense every year, so here it is." He summed up the chapter in about 2

I am new to PC gaming. I am going to buy Mass Effect just to make myself learn to better use the keyboard/mouse combo. I am good at typing, but I have a hard time training my fingers not to go back to the home row as if I'm writing something out. I couldn't stand FPS until Bioshock came out for the PS3, which

Wait. Didn't Indiana just pass that they had to teach creationism in science? That should be an automatic deduction right there from the A-.

"According to analysts, in the past few years, Sony has failed to lead the way with innovation."

I tried a pacifist run in Skyrim on my second start up. It's just not as fun to me as shooting someone in the face with an arrow from 100 yards with 3x damage + critical. Guess I'm just not the rebel I was in my younger days.

Bring on more music in games. I'm still waiting for Aerosmith to come out with Revolution X-2 for the Wii, Move and Kinect. It will be the first time I bought a disc with their music since "Big Ones". Make it so.

In my business we have girls dress up for promotions all the time. They are usually girls just looking to earn a couple extra easy dollars. There is no commitment to a long term part time position and they jump on it. Usually they are college girls, bartenders or dancers...or all three. From my experience I have

Ooo. I didn't even know about that one. Sadly I don't understand Japanese, but if we get an Android port which is what I am seeing, that would be perfect for me. Thanks for the heads up.

I do need to play The After Years, but I sold my PSP to buy my new phone. Maybe it will come to a system I own one day.


I couldn't count the times that I've tossed a wire or gadget just to need it a year down the road.

AT&T are the devil when it comes to data services. I'm already waiting for my contract to end so I can get away from them for good. Sony doesn't have a chance of talking me into getting another service through them.

Even without the tweet it seemed stupid to me. And are they forgetting how to speak English?

Funny they just posted this other article a week ago for you.

FF I is what got me into gaming so many years ago. I never would have thought that there would come a time when I have no interest in one of their titles. Sad.

I haven't played a dungeon crawler in a long time. Looks like it will be time to show a dev some love. Consider me sold.

I skipped Xbox this gen, so I was only speaking of what I knew for sure. But from what I've seen of LIVE, you are right.

My naive self was sure that the prices for downloadable titles would be lower than the physical copies because of how many fewer people it had to go through to reach me. After all, all they had to do was send me some 0's and 1's over the internet. I underestimated the gaming industries' greed. Don't get me wrong,