Its from a dark crime drama called Top of the Lake. Its a miniseries set in New Zealand. I highly recommend it.
Its from a dark crime drama called Top of the Lake. Its a miniseries set in New Zealand. I highly recommend it.
I thought Freakanomics proved the opposite? That names don't influence a person's personality?
Yeah, I'm going to call you Cady.
I mean, Jezebel doesn't say it's feminist either. So.
Actually she had a miscarriage. The child was never alive but they named her (Jubilee) had a funeral, took pictures etc. The fetuses hand was like the size of my thumbnail. The next baby, Josie, was born very early and had complications but she is alive. I don't think Michelle is currently preggo. She's just hoping…
You're literally blowing poison into the air every time you drive, too, or when you eat factory-farm meat, or turn on your coal-powered electric lights. What gives? Why is smoking so demonized? As a former smoker who is very happy to be free of hobo hands, the LARGE majority of smokers will be more than happy to move…
The year was 1988. Margaret Thatcher became the longest-serving Prime Minister of the century, Canada struck down…
Something similar happened to my sister. She was pregnant and watched an episode of Dr. Phil that talked about postpartum depression. She later confided to her doctor she was horrified at some of the thoughts of harm or actual harm some of the women had done to their babies. Because my sister is bipolar — and she was…
As the article states and as I can personally vouch for as I worked on this case, Ms. Beltran tested negative for all drugs, other than Suboxone, before and after she was committed. She did everything right and weaned herself off it when she discovered her pregnancy. But last I checked, there's no intelligence test…
Soooo this is speculation, but I'm kind of thinking Fiona killed the wrong witch, and that Madison was not, in fact, the next Supreme. Earlier in the episode Fiona made mention of when she first knew how powerful she was— when she realized she could seduce and enchant men ("the dance" she called it), and that was part…
Also, on a related note: I think at least part of the reason she decided to get nasty with this creature was because the other girls were teasing her for being a virgin. She's shown bingeing on potato chips and other foods while discussing her emotional vulnerability and coping mechanisms. When the minotaur situation…
I am all about Misty Day being the next supreme guys. I mean come on Power of resurgence is some heavy firepower and it would be cool to have the ultimate power not be a member of any Tribe/Coven and instead be an independent entity. Also Misty seems to be self learning at an alarming rate. Misty Day For Prez guys!
No, they said the opposite. That it wasn't uncommon for a witch to develop multiple powers, but only the Supreme could master the 7 elements.
Fiona is the sort of "bad" lady I would never usually allow myself to root for's Jessica Lange. I can't NOT be in the Fiona cheering section. If she and Patti Lupone say..decide randomly to duet "Anything Goes" then...that'dbecool. Also seriously. Angela Basset is killing me. She is flawless. Look, peer,…
My sincere apologies! Let me edit: You sound like my kinda dude!
IMPORTANT PROGRAMMING NOTE: Queenie is a voodoo queen. So when she started ya know, rubbing one out, the minotaur could feel things happening you know, down there, as well. Might explain things a little more.
Let's all ask the Today show to invite Simone Jhingoor back to talk about the Women's Housing and Economic Development Corporation. In no uncertain terms! It's easy, there's a contact form at:…
Now, does the value of my house go up if I murder somebody in the house? What if they are famous; how much does that add to the core value of the property? And what if I want to commit multiple murders to exponentially increase the value on my home—does it affect the overall value of the house if I kill people one at…