
IMO, sports cars should be exempt from the EV push in general. The electric BRZs and Miatas will be fun, but they won’t have the charm of manual ICE vehicles.

They basically want this. Your reply. And then my reply. And then other people reading our replies. And us coming back to read our replies. Hits.

The problem for them that is they’re not getting my money ; my ad blocker is working well. Not that I don’t want to see ads, it’s just that the ads and the way to deliver

This is one of the worst headlines in terms of misrepresentation that I’ve seen on this site.

This is what my peephole looks like, because I don’t really care to stand up and walk 7 feet to my door to see who’s there.

It all seems so inauthentic and forced now. 

Jalopnik: “Ban cars to save the planet!
Also Jalopnik: “Buy some cheap Chinese garbage, pollute the planet!”

Selective when it serves Jalopnik’s opinions.

There should be an exemption for sports cars like the Mustang, ‘vette, Miata, BRZ, 300Z, etc. etc.

Ha. More like rose-tinted glasses from the Spinelli, Wert, and Hardigree days. Wasn’t always like this; Pepperidge Farm remembers.

That garbage headline is pollution. With the amount of hate this website levies at Tesla can we label Jalopnik as anti-environment? How about you write an article that the “Holy Grail” Jeep should have been destroyed for the good of the environment?

Since transportation accounts for 29% of greenhouse gas emissions, and approximately half of that is from light/med/heavy duty trucks and passenger cars, what tiny half-assed percentage comes from Lamborghinis and Ferraris that are driven a couple hundred miles a year? Yeah yeah, gotta get those rage clicks I know. So

Yes, we live in an era in which feeling righteous and scoring points against the other side is far more important than taking meaningful action.

All the G/O sites seemed to have become increasingly desperate for clicks, especially those sweet rage clicks+comments. Also, editors (does Jalopnik have those?) have the final say in headlines usually, so it’s not always up to the author.

Unfortunately, yes. Its the perfect scapegoat.

Not gonna pick up a violin to play a dirge for supercar companies, their customers, or fans, but why not make low volume production exemptions?

Have we really so blatantly bought in to “EV = saving the planet” that it’s going to produce more and more crap like this from online media?

You must be new around here...

As long as there are antique vehicle exemptions, this makes enough sense. It assumes a viable use-case for the vehicle, and allows for a degree of overlap with ‘unsustainable’ use. By strictly limiting quantity, increased demand will only drive the price up until the usage fits the desired profile. Similarly, with old

Did this headline not feel exceedingly misleading to you? You literally quote an Italian official confirming Italy’s awareness of the need for EVs. How exactly did you come to the conclusion that Italy doesn’t care about climate change?

Teens will absolutely treat these robots with respect and will not fuck with them.