
I’ve always hated the look of the 2 series. It always looked like a clown car to me. Hood is way to long and everything else is squished. I expect a giant bobble head to pop out of the sunroof.

Oh, this is right up there with the Mergio account in terms of good Kinja burners. :-D

Some risks are worthwhile, like testing an experimental airplane.

I’d be honored to test your product, Mr.Belson.

Hallo Mr Torchinsky, why you say about my product? much designed to reducing the fuel and much save money on environment. Not everyone much can afford great Changli, even we all want one really bad a one! I decide to reduce fuel consumption very much! Thanks for my website, even you say things I know you enjoy about

I’m going to add that in there, so thank you.

Hey! Great work! I probably should tell him.

Crap, what the hell was I doing? Maybe thinking in gallons? Anyway, it’d be like 8 tanks, at a conservative 25 MPG. Sorry. I fixed it.

Man, I lost all desire for these kinds of machines a while ago. I’m not sure when it happened, exactly, but at some point I discovered that ‘serious’ performance cars just don’t interest me. They’re too intellectually heavy. There’s no figurative lightness to them. They do what they do - and they do it exceptionally

I have an old Beetle, and while it’s good on gas, you’d need a Beetle with a gas tank about 175 times the usual size to pull that off.”

Here I was all set to waltz into my local Porsche dealer and order this but then I saw no manual transmission...forget it! I’ll stick to my manual Accord thank you very much Porsche! You just lost a customer!

Wait...German car lacking emotion and expression? Where have I heard this before?

I was appalled by that statement as well. If consumers sense a shortage of something, they will rush out to buy it.

The issue with high gas taxes, while well intentioned, is that it’s a regressive tax.

I was going to talk about that. CAFE has been a clusterfark for as long as I remember. It’s basically forced manufacturer’s to make SUVs by having such a giant difference between the MPG requirements of light trucks and passenger vehicles. Now they have added footprint to the equation, which basically says “make big

RE: #1: rein in the light trucks. Full size trucks are getting away essentially scot free with what amounts to no penalty. Assess full size trucks with an emissions tax like industries bear. That should move frivolous buyers back to more economical cars, encourage manufacturers to make their trucks actually toe the

If anything, this whole episode has exposed supply and demand for the sham that it is.

1st Gear: Once again US politicians introduce an idiotic standard that makes it seem like they care about the environment but doesn’t anger their voting base.

Neutral: I have to change my oil this weekend. Driving 6 hours down to the Ozarks for a bachelor party next weekend. Three friends are riding with me, since my van can handle 4 adults+clubs+luggage+cooler. TBH I’ll be jealous because they’re going to crack open a frosty cold one as soon as we hit the MO state line and