
Maybe you should pack your bags and go to both the United Nations and NATO as well as the growing list of countries who are calling whats happening there as Genocide and tell them they are wrong. Because that is exactly what it is. Its Genocide. And the world is doing nothing about it.

A bit more dictator-y. A “bit more”? They literally locked people in their homes during quarantine.

First Rule of Journalism — No matter how much you think it’s true. No matter how much you want to believe it’s true. It doesn’t get reported ’til you know it’s provably true.

Can you imagine anything worse than an Tapple fan?

Yeah, I was driving behind a SUV on memorial day years ago that crashed. The TL;DR was a father was driving home after a long day of being out at the park having a picnic. He was unbelted and fell asleep while driving, went off the road, woke up and over-corrected. Dad was partially ejected from the drivers window

Wow. Looks like the CCP trolls are on Jalopnik now too. And you guys seem to operate via the same exact script, which is to both deny, try to downgrade and deflect. We aren’t fucking talking about what happened in Afghanistan are we? No. We’re talking about the GENOCIDE that is happening in China.

So let me give you

Welcome to Jalopnik.

Good job once again Raph. Writing an article with zero research and then updating it with the correction hardly 10 minutes later.

This has been my policy for as long as I have driven. If I’m holding the wheel, you’re wearing your fucking seatbelt. No exceptions. I used to (kind of) joke that the only reason I demanded it was that I didn’t want to die in a crash because an unbelted dumbass slammed into me. I didn’t know they conducted crash tests

There are plenty of people who can easily afford an EV and have (or could install) a charger and live where there are plenty of DC chargers for longer journeys. Or they could afford a cheap EV as a second car for commuting.

but the creative application of existing laws”

Biden can’t mandate 40% of new vehicle sold in 2030 must be EVs. He can increase fuel economy standards to the point that there is not other way to meet them without a high mix of EVs.

plus the obvious one - it’s stupid easy to defeat.

The sad truth is that it isn’t just a deadly self own. Not buckling in a car with other people substantially increases the likelihood you will kill or injure them as well.

But we don’t require such a system in cars, for reasons

For example, Biden could change the health care system tomorrow by simply ordering the age you can enroll in government-run healthcare like Medicare to zero, or make enrollment automatic in the absence of a private plan.”

China is also committing mass genocide in the Xinjiang province against Uighur Muslims with as many as two million being held in camps and detention centers, their children separated and put into schools to eradicate their language and culture, with many of their parents being forced to pick cotton.
 And given that we

That would seem to me to be proof that they in fact aren’t good enough.

As I’ve opined here many times, I believe the best way to do this is a carbon tax that keeps options to buy gas powered vehicles for those willing to pay for the privilege.

“You Think China Does “Pledges?”