
So, no want.


Maybe he meant the STI, but yeah car journos don’t research shit these days, has he heard of the FA engines?

Yeah exactly, this article is trying to have it both ways and it just comes off as incredibly hypocritical.

First new engine in ages?  The current generation introduced a new engine to the WRX.

“Wow, politico are such jerks for making people at LOTO look like rubes. But, yeah, they’re rubes. Just don’t have to say it out loud, Politico. That’s rude.”

That plastic cladding is all the way along the running boards to the front bumper. Yuck.

Came here for this. Two mentions of red brakes (one in the headline!), two photos of brakes -- neither of those are red.

Talks about famous red Brembo calipers.

Shows radioactive yellow calipers.

There’s 18 months of purchasing / lease exit/rollover necessities happening in the span of 6 months, when the production in the 12 months prior had been cut in half. There’s probably a few people who want to upgrade without a great reason, but my brother had an engine go out on his car, my sister in law blew a trans

The problem isn’t that “everyone” needs a new vehicle. The problem is, supply is much lower than demand.

Except Ford actually does use Brembos on the Performance Pack GTs.

Way too much bs click bait and hypocrisy on this site. we need to use our brains better dear writers. what happened to the ability to think here? 

Jalopnik writers: Cannonball runs are bad and speeding is bad and so is racing!
Also Jalopnik wirters: This person who was driving 18mph over the speed limit should not have been pulled over in the first place!

We should have been more precise in our language around the Delica and ‘mini-trucks,’ but regardless, the underlying statute is what is being followed.””

Cop Appears To Plant Evidence During Totally Worth-It Traffic Stop

My face while reading the cops explanation...

This is a great reminder to never consent to a voluntary search.

This is a great reminder of not jumping to conclusions without having all of the facts. The cell phone video suggests a much different picture than what actually happened.  

If the cops are looking to rebuild trust, even the appearance of impropriety must stop.

The war on drugs needs to be over and pretextual stops also need to be banned.  If you pull someone over for speeding, speeding is all you get.