
There are certainly better ways to help than by joining a broken organization. One start would be on taking better care of the people doing the job. If this guy was too nervous, or too tired, or too afraid to not kill this kid then he needs to be given better training or work less hours or have better mental health

Why in the fucking would I want to be part of the problem?

I should have used “convicted” rather than committed.

The headline “blacks are 3x more likely to be killed than whites” is a bit like saying “women make 78 cents per dollar that a man makes”. Factually correct, but misleading. When it comes to women’s wages vs men, you have to adjust for occupation, hours and seniority. And when that’s done, almost all of the discrepancy

Far more white people in every category are killed by police. Less as a percentage of population, but far more overall. It just doesn’t drive clicks, so it’s not generally covered by the media. They all matter. But they aren’t all good at selling advertising.

And she did EXACTLY as it said to do in the drivers handbook from where they were, too. Essentially the cop said “I don’t like the driving code, so fuck you.”

“Well, your honor - I told the suspect to freeze, and he brought out the anti-freeze! He was clearly resisting police commands” 

You’re way off, how many white people killed by police become household names? Zero. Media barely covers it. The fact that you’re hearing about this story here while CNN is silent speaks volumes and discredits everything you said.

Reminds me of the cop (was this also in Arkansas?) who did a PIT maneuver on a pregnant woman because she didn’t want to risk putting herself (and the cop) in danger by pulling over on a narrow highway shoulder. These fuckers are out of control to the point there they’re just targeting everybody.

I understand why cops might feel jumpy and scared. Any second, a simple traffic stop could easily turn into a shootout and they might not be going home tonight. That is a reality. Any human would be intimidated by that.

And even when the victim is white, the cops will still close ranks, lie, destroy evidence, drag the victim’s name through the mud, etc. I hate to make assumptions but I am guessing that the victim does not come from a rich or powerful family, so in the end this will be treated much like when a cop murders a person of

If the PD has decent body cams, they are always recording, they just just discard everything from up to 30 seconds prior, unless the cop pulls his gun or taser.

Your language is perfectly fucking acceptable.

Took a while to decide if it was a single victim or two.

Sadly, you would be mistaken. Cops brutally murder white folks with regularity but on a less per cap basis than minorities but still far more than any other rich country’s cops kill anyone, regardless of color or socio-economic status.

You always hear of law enforcement using those magic words when they kill someone while on duty: “I feared for my life.” And ka-ching!, no matter how egregious the killing, the cop gets off.

The good thing about most body cams is that they actually record while turned off, which is why so many cops get caught planting drugs before turning the cameras back on.

Getting rid of implied immunity would be a great first step, especially on traffic stops. 

Jesus fucking christ.

These bastards with badges must be dealt with. Every day its countless other persons shot and killed during traffic stops. What the fuck? Is every cop a giant fucking pussy afraid of their interactions with people? I get being on guard and all but holy fucking shit.

This kid bent down to place a