
Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:

I hope it happens.

It’s interesting that he talks about most gamers preferring to play good characters. I’m certainly ‘guilty’ of that myself, even in games like GTA where you’re explicitly a criminal.

the opportunity to choose something more outside the red-and-blue party system

hahaha I dunno man, the cost of entry, the way it makes people sick. It has passing fad written all over it.

Except it’s the Iron Gjallarhorn, so there’s no way to be sure that they’re ACTUALLY bringing back the Ghorn, or if they’re making a “new” Ghorn that can’t be purchased through the kiosks.

I liked the movie and sure it was too short. But probably that’s not a choice from Duncan Jones but from someone else.

Honestly, I think making the Mortal Kombat movie as campy as it was ruined it. It does NOT hold up today.

“Pick a side, and then make it better than the other side.” I think I have done gods work with this one.

I seriously doubt that someone who never viewed a single underage image would be prosecuted for simply accessing a site that happens to host them.

The difference is that every pc manufacturer doesn’t ship a modified version of windows, which is what makes android optimization so hard. In fact, between the device manufacture and the carrier every android is running damn near a different os with all the modifications they make. This makes android optimization

Godzilla vs Meth-ra!

Oof, that’s a lot writing on a subject he didn’t even bring up lol

You should probably go back and watch ALL the Godzilla films minus the shit 70s ones where he became a parody.......Its funny as fuck that people cried about Godzilla not having enough Godzilla and how much they love the series. Yet in ALL of the films minus the super hero godzilla films they were all 30-40 minutes

You are aware that Toho had complete approval and said OK that looks good to the design?They have to approve ALL designs, so its just as much a terrible call by Toho....


Too easy.

Could’ve been worse...