
Sorry, auto-correct fail. Underpowered, I meant. Not “interviewed.” Nintendo started off this gen courting third party support. EA and Ubisoft notably pledged strong support. Rayman Legends and Watch Dogs were even initially billed as exclusives. But Nintendo couldn’t figure out how to market the system, and when it

3rd party left them because the Wii U was interviewed and didn't sell enough to warrant making an extra version of their games like they did to support last gen titles. This feels like their pre-release strategy for a new console. Who usually trickles out that last year titles anyway? Third party. Nintendo often puts

Agreed. “Whitewashing” aside, it was a decent enough movie. Not amazing, don’t rush out to buy it on DVD, but not the utter travesty people make it out to be.

I hear you. It’s a grey area. Would it be better to just say “play without subscription?”

Just got out from it, and I liked it as well. Granted, I’m probably watching with “casual” eyes. Never got into WoW, so Warcraft was a highschool thing for me. I’ve been avid Starcraft fan over the years, but haven’t been steeped in Warcraft lore for a long time. I knew most of the big players and a few of the twists,

Agreed. I can not sit through it these days. It does not hold together, nostalgia aside.

That’s a good point. I can’t find anything to clarify the matter, either..

I know this is an old post, but just want to point out that Paradise was just the portable crack at DOAX2 with small differences.

Wrote this above also, but with the current system if you have a year 1 exotic you can buy a year 2 equivalent from the kiosks in the vanguard room for 120-150 legendary marks. They’ve added gear to the list since TTK rolled out. Unless they are changing the system, one would figure a Year 2 G-Horn would just pop up

Unless they are overhauling the current system, any owner of a Y1 G-horn should be able to go and drop 150 legendary marks on a Y2 blueprint of the normal version as soon as this goes live. I’m betting the pre-order is just for the skin.

You’re right, I meant to reply to billysan. Blah lol

I mean about the comment that the 3DS version lost some of the atmosphere of the original.

Is there something missing? Or do you mean because it’s on a smaller screen?

Quantum Break has some interesting ideas, but it’s hardly this objective masterpiece that one would only criticize if they were biased. Here’s the top of Jeff’s review:

12 is a ps2 game, not ps3.

There are smaller teams in Squenix I wouldn’t mind seeing tackle a Chrono title. Not main Squenix.

It’s really good. It’s not a direct sequel to Trigger, though if you play the DS version they did add in a few more connections. To me, on first play, I thought it had nothing to do with Trigger. On a second run, taking more time, I noticed more or the little details and how much more or the larger events it plays

You know what’s kind of sad? Bravely Default is more or less the proper successor to older FF, yet they intentionally don’t use the FF name.

Pretty sneaky way to firm up that Zelda delay.

I saw this last night, and your review is spot on lol. It’s a joyous B movie with A-list budget and actors. Though...some TV movie special effects to drive the point home lol. Freya’s (that’s her name, I was listening for it because I read your review first lol) ice crystals look like she cracks open the essence of a