
I’m 2 years older that her and I can confirm that is the face of a woman in her mid-40s realizing she just got her period. No one tells you how bad they get as you get older. It is no hyperbole, I don’t need your Shining jokes. However, a bad pun from the SNL ESPN Classic Women’s sketches would be welcomed.

Danny, the tunnel king.

Yeah, this happens all the time. Happens even when you verify the destination with them. Drunkies always put in a bad address, tell you they’ll take care of you and then dispute it the next day. Uber will always remove the fare from the driver by at least half, and if you complain they will delete the whole fare (like

Let’s be frank, few do it better than Degrassi did.

All of 3 Feet is a delight. The whole damn album.

Well, Erik, I just wrote “Anus”.

Ree Drummond’s “strange fantasy ranch life”. OMFG RUBY I LOVE YOU. 


I realize this comment is 3 years too late, but THANK YOU for referencing “It’s Top Chef not Top Scallop”. That is literally my favorite thing on this earth and sometimes I say it to myself, softly, when I don’t feel good. It always works.

Runners Up: 1. Fabio talking about his turtle being a little princess. 2. Fabio

“Space Age Love Song” by A Flock of Seagulls.

Is Devo really considered a one-hit wonder? This makes me terribly sad. I can think of at least 7 or 8 Devo songs I would regularly see on MTV/hear on the radio in the 80s. Plus: “We’re All Devo!” was hilarious. Laraine Newman asking her dad for abortion money never gets

I find, since November 2016, that it is easier to maintain one’s optimistic view of humanity by watching nothing but PBS Kids. “Arthur” is about as close to current events as I get, on the recommendation of several suicide prevention operators.

I love “Green”, too. I was a college freshman and it was a Christmas gift I got from my new boyfriend. We saw them in concert for this tour and Michael Stipe sang “Be All That You Can Be” and it was crushing.
I feel like Michael Stipe got increasingly tired with each album and “Green” was the last time we got him. I

Loved this episode, but I knew it was a simulation right after the first date. See, I pay rent in Seattle. I do not work for Google, Microsoft or Amazon, so I have to work three jobs to keep myself from being homeless. The crushing reality of trying to keep your head above water in this world will very quickly help

Whyyyyy is this not on the list? I cry when I think of it.

He truly is the one speck of romance in this tainted cynical world. I admire him so.

God, she is utter perfection.

That line reading of “...Joshua” just murdered me.

Anyone else see the gesture Rebecca made at the end, sitting on the couch with Paula? She sort of balled one of her hands up and laid the other hand on top, it seemed like a really specific gesture - one that had a special meaning to the two (characters, actresses).


I loved the scene a few episodes back where Moishe guesses Penny’s name based on how stupid it sounded. That was a great little scene for Kevin Pollack. I love being right, too!!

I recall an interview he did after he married Marla Maples. The interviewer asked if she was worth it, considering all Ivana put him through in the divorce, and he answered that it was so worth it, how she was the best sex he ever had, and immediately said something along the lines of “she’s a really juicy Georgia