
I saw "Harley Yoda" and threw up a little in my mouth.

Now playing

Dollhouse was bookended each season by a glimpse into the ramifications of the technology shown in the series. A world where mass warfare is waged over the radio, and the ruling elite change bodies like changing a suit.

We dump our garbage in the water, so you're going to start dumping yours on land, eh?

This just in, Congress has voted to classify pepper spray as a vegetable.

The trick is in changing the games. There's effectively three games being played, one is a big winner, one is a minor loser, and one is a major loser. While the loser is more likely than the big winner, it's also more likely to get replaced by the minor loser. If you could always opt for the minor loser in place of

"The city that loves Batman so much that it nicknamed itself 'Gotham'."

It strikes me that if you calculated all of the actual combined odds, the final result would reflect the gradual gain. So I'm not sure how this ends up being a paradox?

Obligatory meme: You know why they're going to call it "Xbox 720"? Because you'll walk up to it, look at it, then you'll turn 720-degrees and walk away.

Though I would like to see his concept of 'piled high'.

"A manly man don't want it piled high with vegetables! He would call that a sissy pizza."

Yep, I suppose that means at least Google's music system will support it, as they seem to like implementing every codec that they can.

Not just upload. I have most of my CDs ripped using ALAC. Neither Google nor Amazon can nor will touch that format, so unless I resample my entire collection to MP3 (bleh), those services will only touch a small portion of my library. On the other hand, iTunes Music Match will automatically convert and upload any song

My favorite moment was at the end of Eat Me.

It's my understanding that the comics are based on what was planned for the major story arc in the fifth season, as prior to cancellation, they'd had a 2 year deal in place.

Email? Pish, who needs that? Flash, man, is where it's at!

Flash has improved over the last 150 years? Could have fooled me!

A quick application of the hair brush.

That was PixelSnader's point. He was describing how you could fake the video to make it look like you were drawing it from scratch with minimum talent.

Well, I'm glad this could be cleared up by an administration that everyone trusts and to which no one attaches insane conspiracies.