
Clearly comic shops will be the big winner, but this skirts the bigger question... What's going to happen when a digital distributor like B&N, Amazon, or Comixology loses the rights to distribute a comic?

Cool, I'd love to see the good-looking charging station promised by the article title. Where's the pic?

If the thinking is that Thunderbolt makes having internal expansion unnecessary, I think you're much more likely to see a complete re-think of what a powerhouse machine is.

Remember all the posts from people saying, "This isn't as bad as they're making it out to be'?

Do you think any of the writers for Supernatural actually looked up the meaning of "Slash Fiction" before christening the episode?

I'd question the assertion that animals don't exhibit handedness. Handedness isn't just about dexterity, but favoring the use of one limb over another in most all things.

Cheap hotels use free WiFi as a draw for people paying their own way. Expensive hotels, who cater to business travelers charge for WiFi because the guest's employer will probably be footing the bill. It's the same reason convention centers offer ridiculously priced WiFi.

Now that we know how rain and mosquitoes interact, we can engineer the rain to kill the little blood suckers.

"The Best (Fake) Video Game Wedding Picture Ever?"

The game probably would have done much better if they hadn't tried to sell it as a Shadowrun game. Long time fans of Shadowrun were turned off by the complete disregard of established Shadowrun canon, so any name recognition they got probably did more harm than good.

So, nothing to say about the copyright infringement of the images used for the ads, or the use of comment spam?

Hey! I just had an idea of what we could do to reduce the national debt!

"(Was anybody else a bit miffed, though, that the Doctor's big revelation comes along with suddenly calling Amy "Amy Williams", as if he's finally transferring ownership of her from himself to Rory? Or saying that she should become her own person, by becoming an extension of Rory? It was an odd choice.)"

At worst, the thief breaks the lock, throws it in a truck and drives off with it.

Farscape used the fact that the show started and the main character had left Earth prior to 9/11 to make some subtle observations about how western society had changed. When Crichton does finally get back to Earth, he's surprised that his return is met with more distrust than he expected.

I agree. It seems entirely credible that one of the cops might have introduced himself and then the Apple employees, or the employees were there with cops so the guy just *assumed* they were cops.

My guess on what happened.

"Who's a guy gotta pay $5,000 to in order to get some exclusive photos?"

Castle isn't strictly SF/Fantasy, but the main actor for the show has a strong history of being in SF/Fantasy shows, so the show has a large number of viewers who are also SF/Fantasy fans.

It seems like a pattern...