
Oh! So NOW they're saying that Bush had a weak chin, eh? I find this offensive and demand they return his chin to its full glory!

Though, if you do have a comic you really like, go to the actual site from time to time. Most comics out there are making what money they can off of advertising, and most aggregating apps end up circumventing the advertising.

If you want to to see the end-game for the US hospital system in action, look at the Pittsburgh area. UPMC a 'non-profit' hospital group is trying to create a vertical monopoly, where their doctors only refer patients to other UPMC doctors and their insurance only effectively covers going to UPMC doctors and

In my experience I've had the Drobo reject a disk before the disk completely died. It seems to have some greater level of fault detection than most drive controllers.

Having dealt with a number of HD failures in the past, and dealt with traditional RAID arrays, I love the Drobo.

Because of redundancy, you don't get the full 15TB.

"The impact was so hard that the fuselage _bended_ just before the wings."

"This is a brilliant move on Microsoft's part—one of the most clever things it's ever squeezed out..."

Yes, it would be possible, but without having someone who can see in the spectrum necessary to confirm that it's correct, it's a bit like asking a color blind person to devise a test to see if someone can see color using a black and white photocopier.

It would seem there is some way out there to tell if you're seeing a greater color range than most humans and mammals.

It's like the GIF that keeps on giving.

At least from the synopsis, this movie sounds a bit like Blade Runner from the Replicant's point of view.

Jon did know. The Halfhand told him when they first met up. Jon really didn't want to go through with it, but did in the end.

"If time travelers are constantly changing the past, they are not very good at it. Why did they not avoid two disastrous and pointless world wars in the past century?"

Some of those things look like they were added to buildings without suitable fire escape exits to 'bring them up to code'.

You must have missed that run, including films such as:

I remember that episode of X-Files!

One of the more amusing examples is Apple will censor an album title, but not a band name. So you end up with "'V****a Panther' by Vagina Panther"

For the love of God, at least use a photo of yourself that isn't reminiscent of this...