
Not even the Mayan equivalent of the Millennium Bug. Saying the Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world in 2012 is like saying that my year-long desktop calendar predicts the end of the world every December 31st.

So according to Fox News, dinosaurs altered the atmosphere enough with their farts to make themselves extinct, but there's no way humans could be causing global warming?

So glad those fools back in the early/mid 20th century were wrong.


Now playing

I always felt that Rebel Assault was an incredible pile of bantha pudu.

My test image for so many web sites...

This seemed necessary.

Wait, so I'm completely wrong that frame rate has an effect on image quality, that's a result of changing the shutter speed, which is required when changing the frame rate?

Frame rate is a quality. Lower frame rate usually means more motion blur (time-based artifact), or time-based detail getting lost.

To be honest, the package was only shipped across the country once for no reason.

It's amusing to think that the high quality footage looks low quality unless it gets degraded so that it will look high quality.


I always thought the perfect Shadowrun game would be a GTA/Saints Row style sandbox, but with the added option of multiplayer so that you could team up with friends to do certain runs.

Water/device damage isn't the issue.

Yessiree, that Mazda is in some fine company with its 'wall of death' compliance.

I guess this is goodbye then, again. It's been fun.

Remember how the first iPad was a disappointment because it was just a big iPhone?

Yes, PA's 'restriction' on alcohol is that it's mostly sold by a state agency through its own stores, though that's gradually changing. Restaurants can sell alcohol, though they can't sell anyone anything more than a 6-pack 'to go'. There are state-licensed distributors who can only sell in bulk, and mostly focus on

Yes, but the quality of the sharpie used to write the title is twice as good.

Apple's been building Macs with USB ports that can put out much more power than the standard, specifically to allow charging their devices when connected to those USB ports.