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What can I say? I'm eager to see the list of animated show themes they put together.

"We say appears because CNET neither confirms this, nor provides any photos of the phone."

Maybe in a 'funny if you have kids' kind of way?

The irony is this article probably does more to publicly shame the author than the subject of the article.

I don't know about kicked out, but he's deliberately left people behind.

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My designation is HTV-2 Falcon, and I got shot through a wormhole...

"10: Family Guy, Futurama"

"I don't think our DUI punishments are harsh enough because they're clearly not deterring people from doing it."

Actually, that's probably exactly what they mean. Their focus is on contemporary technological art, the sort of thing that a lot of people would look at and say, "that's art?"

Kindle Book collection, file size: 1?

A real artist would use a wireless NAS drive...

There are no season collections for older Doctor Who (aside from the Key to Time, and maybe Trial of a Time Lord arcs). Most of the DVDs are sold as a single story (usually 2-4 episodes). I think part of the reason for doing this is to cover the costs of remastering or doing archive quality transfers from old sources.

Hey, CDs make for a decent, future-proof (so far) backup.


Screw that, sell it on eBay. People are bidding up the 16GB to $200, and the 32GB to $300.

Hey! Awesome! At least you can be sure Microsoft won't just outright kill a brand new platform just two months after launching it!

It is not a space ship. It is a plane. From France.