
It's too late. I started to think about it, then I felt a pop, and now I think I'm now stupider than I was a few minutes ago.

$1000? 16 albums? Flat sound?

As an opinion columnist, being 'kind of a troll' is kind of the point.

Well, at least someone cares about the Xoom.

In civil cases court costs are sometimes rewarded, particularly if the actions of the plaintiff or defendant are seen as particularly abusive by the judge.

1. Nothing's gone to court yet, so there are no court costs.


What do you think?

Is who liable for what court costs?


Pittsburgh standing in for Gotham.


It is, admittedly, ridiculous for people who feel imminently threatened by something like rioting to be ordering self-defense measures online.

If you look at the top-selling bat, the four big things that show up on the "people also bought" list are...

One doesn't exactly go, "OH! A riot! I'm going to join in, in 3-5 days. Once my bat comes in."

Not surprising. Apple has has a hard enough time keeping their storefronts intact when there isn't rioting, here in the States.

I'm thinking getting picked up for two seasons by SciFi/Syfy is the death knell for any show.

Customers who bought this item also bought...

At one point today, 8 of the top 10 items are baseball bats/bludgeoning weapons.

Well, as we saw in another UK Riots story, one young man lifted a tub of muscle mass powder along with video games and DVDs.