
Really? The riots aren't at all the cause? Britons just suddenly love baseball and aren't buying any gloves, helmets or, baseballs.

What about (American) football pads and hockey masks?

Yeah... that's a lot of work for a joke who's punchline includes a prison shower.

Heck, if the point of that bit of filming was to get crowd reaction shots, it's possible that wasn't even Thomas Hardy on the PA. Knowing that this sort of filming is going to create very public exposure, it's also possible what was read over the PA isn't the final dialog.

Early this year Bitcoin was sitting at $1 a Bitcoin. Now it's at $7. The only losers here are the people who didn't understand what Bitcoin was and bought in when shenanigans drove the price up to $30 a coin.

Yeah, the Hub isn't in good shape...

Hahaha, taxing something on the internet. Right.

"There are generally three kinds of invisible ink: those developed by heat, those developed by light, and those developed by chemical reactions. Surprisingly, the ones developed by chemical reaction were among the first to be used to a widespread degree."

I wouldn't be surprised if the developers of Angry Birds or P vs Z were actually able to get Amazon to pay them some sort of bounty to be able to list those apps for free.

The entire argument of saying "Seems like give and take. Offer it for free one day, hopes it gets hot, Angry Birds hot, then charge 99 cents from there." is incredibly disingenuous. Angry Birds was hot before it came to Android. It was hot before it came to Amazon. Amazon giving away Angry Birds for free was most

His argument now seems to be "I just don't think they're detailing the drawbacks", which... isn't something you usually do in a promotional video, is it?

That particular location they're filming in is one of the main drags connecting two college campuses, surrounded by businesses to the south, residential buildings to the north. There's virtually no chance of keeping such a location private.

Just for once I'd like to see the alien race that's so totally different from humans not also be a race of nudists.

I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that he actually dismantled the bullet first, to make sure that the only special thing about it was the actual bullet itself, and that it would be possible to reverse-engineer.

Took me a while to see the girl, but in my defense, it was right before lunch.

I believe there's a typo in this title. It should read...

Anyone notice the hot dog isn't in her hand, but hovering behind it? Her thumb is on the same side of it as the rest of her fingers.

"It's a very clever idea but it will have to be used carefully or rarely otherwise people will wise up to the real intentions..."

"I think most Americans are tired of the constant increases in spending. It needs to stop."

"This issue started with the 2011 budget...