
The debt limit isn't about increasing spending or raising taxes.

If it makes you feel any better, I think her proper name is plot-contrivance girl. She's whatever the writers need her to be that week, and she never plays the same role twice.

It doesn't matter how many proposals Reid or Obama might make. Bills for raising revenue must originate from the House of Representatives. The HoR generally holds that the Senate can't originate any bills appropriating or authorizing the expenditure of federal funds, and has never considered a Senate originated bill

The 2011 budget that this very congress passed on April 14th.

Exactly. Every single person who voted 'Yea' for the 2011 budget should be voting 'Yea' for a straight debt limit increase now.

Because the same people who said to spend the money as part of the 2011 budget are now saying not to spend the money.

Take a look at this page...

I didn't see the face, but I did see Mike Scorce (from Flock of Seagulls) on keyboard...

Now playing

I'm so very sorry constable but what can I do when half the Western world is turning on to Dolby's Cube?

Masterpiece Rodimus [] is exclusive to Toys R Us and Entertainment Earth and will be sold first at Comic Con, later available at retail (as several of the things listed here are).

This sounds about as likely as Mozilla's plan for four versions of Firefox this year (and about as smart).

If there's even a remote ounce of truth to any of this, my guess is that we'd see a shift in the entire product line.

There Are Tablets More Powerful Than Your Desktop Computer. They’re Just Not Out Yet


Messiah Studio 5 (animation and rendering software), available directly from the developer for $10 (regularly $500) or Pro edition for $40 (regularly $1200).

I guess he's still technically demoing it, so it's not over yet.

Wow, did they really not state the price, or did I just miss it?

The event is going on now, most tech blogs are doing live coverage of it, but Gizmodo apparently isn't.

So is Gizmodo at the HP/Palm event today? I don't see a story for love coverage of the event.