
Along with the readers. It will be interesting to see what the web traffic reports are like for Gawker sites along with competitor blogs. I've taken to going to blog.* and avoiding the real home pages, as well as visiting blogs like Engadget more.

None of the galleries work with the new design.

"Kudos to Chrysler — now let's see if they can come up with a better product to attach to the creative to next time."

Well this article is a prime example of where the new site layout chokes and falls over.

Carnegie Mellon has one...

Wait, Chrysler is building genuinely competitive cars?

It looks like Sarah is also asserting copyright on Bristol and all derivative works as well.

@Chernobyl: You know, I was considering going digital, but do you know how much it would cost to fill a bookshelf with iPads? Even if I went with Kindle, that's still way too much.

Sweet irony...

@dswatson83: I'm going to point out that with an argument like that, it's very easy to highlight the problem with it with a simple replacement of terms. In this case, replace man/woman with terms that refer to a racial trait, such as skin color.

@dswatson83: It doesn't matter what you call it, not every state grants it. Not every state grants marriage/civil union for homosexual couples.

Now I want to plaster a "DANGER: VACUUM" sticker on every vacuum I see.

Well, we know there's zero chance of it being some sort of glitch, because Microsoft's record with hardware and software is flawless.

@Paul Dmytrewycz: You forgot one other method. Live together for 7 years and many governments just consider you to be married.

@Fizzter: Your argument ignores the fact that the government bestows additional rights and privileges to married couples and spouses. Rights that a spouse does not currently have access to, based on gender discrimination. Including...


As long as marriage is a secular institution that provides legal benefits and rights under secular law, government needs to provide equal protection under the law.

Let's face it, he'd get much more support for his theory if he named his preferred variable 'cake'.

@Carlos Solís: It's still a relatively common practice to open-source a game engine without fully releasing all the assets of the original game. In this case, it looks like they did include demo assets as part of the source dump, but not the entire asset library.

@LealNightrunner: What was released under GPL did not, apparently, include the full game assets. Looking at the source library, it refers to all of the art assets as 'demo'.