
The "Apple Universal" preset works well.

@Edgar Ríos: It's a bug. That's part of why the mute switch change is a joke.

@2 replies: If Apple was standardizing, I'd have voice control on my iPad, but I don't.

@ColbertForPrez: Why did you go to all that trouble? The iPad mutes if you hold volume down.

@Justin Lancaster: It's really important to have a quick way to mute the iPad in case you're in a meeting and get an unexpected phone call.

@WhiskeyTab: They didn't do it because it's Apple. And I say that as a long time and continuing Apple user.

Hey #Apple, if changing the switch is about 'unifying the architecture', then where's my voice command feature on the #iPad?

There's an update (4.1) for your AppleTV that's required, it shipped with 4.0. Until then you'll only get audio to stream.

My prediction: "Resident Evil" with the main character named "Buffy" instead of "Alice".

Is Airplay supposed to be able to do iTunes (desktop) to AppleTV with video and not just audio?

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: In "The Alien Life of Wayne Barlowe" Barlowe includes design sketches which are rather obviously one of the same human-creatures in Man After Man. He asserts he had been working on a similar type of project and his work got plagiarized.

Perhaps it is best that the hunam just imagine making contact with scary beings like the hunam.

@Devon Bain: Not just Moya, Pilot is like a space-Clippy. How weird is that?

@SupaChupacabra: Yeah, that thing talking to Sovereign was pretty scary.

In the game Starflight (*** BIG SPOILER TO FOLLOW ***), the most valuable mineral in the game is endurium. It's used as fuel for space travel. Toward the end of the game, you discover that the endurium is actually a race of sentient crystals who are rather pissed about the whole deal and are working on wiping out all

I wouldn't care if Wild Wild West was the the only revisionist western. It still wouldn't make it onto my "Top 5 Revisionist Westerns" list.

@Grr, Argh!: Boxer shorts? Too loose fitting! Make it a mankini.

@黒人: Alternatively, I can also imagine the paranoia about prank/hidden camera TV show setting up one of these demos.

I'd only be surprised if the $60 copy of the latest in a popular franchise didn't out-sell a $150 hardware add-on.