
This one was overshadowed by the NES version, which made impressive use of the power glove.

Not sure if SEGA fully thought this one through when doing the covers...

There's a masturbation joke somewhere in that pic.

Wait... why does the program expire on 12/1/2099?

@Calrekabooki: If you think you're uncomfortable now, wait until after the cavity search.

@theimmc: Automated trading was one of the first explanations to get floated around and seemed a lot more probably than the typo that was later claimed. Though it's also possible that it was a combination of both. Someone puts in a typo and the automated traders take it as hard data rather than a mistake to be

@minibeardeath: It doesn't remove any sense of risk, it removes any connection to reality. All these systems care about is what happens to a stock from one moment to the next, and doesn't care about why the stock is moving in that direction. It's believed that the huge single-day dip that hit the market this past

@From a Buick 6: Airplanes have wheels... they're like.... big... flying... busses... yeah!

I'm not even sure how you're supposed to hold that.

Oooo! It even comes with a proprietary port that you're pretty much assured you'll never get to use, no matter how long you have it for!

"I think he's attempting re-entry, sir."

@Dodgerwd: In other words, this isn't the sort of thing they were talking about when they were talking about being hacking the Kinect. They were really talking more about people hacking into 360s and abusing the Kinect in some way.

@ARYXANDRE: Yeah, it's a crying shame that projects like this could increase demand for the Kinect and have people who don't own an Xbox buying one to connect to their computer.

It would have been a 3 star job if they'd just agitated the local avian population.

The Skyline ending means two things... no one will understand it, or the humans are actually the invading aliens.

@Abaddon: Huh, I didn't remember it from the books. Maybe it's something that's just easier to ignore in that format.

Now playing

Maybe they're worried about it degenerating into this...

The explanation he gives makes no sense. I shut down my computer by selected 'shut down' in the menu, but I don't expect to access the menu to start it back up. People deal with that kind of asymmetrical operation all the time.

It still doesn't explain the completely out of place Seinfeld scene.