
There’s no “c” in Texarkana, dipshit.

To be fair, he spelled a lot of shit wrong.  The punctuation is another issue.

Classic Jalop would have done 18 slides of the Cybertruck.

It is a classic rage bait.

The Worst Ford Mustang

This article title pisses me off

Worst Mustang?

Cops don’t like being reminded that they shouldn’t kill any kids today.

New frontiers in helicopter parenting.

I can absolutely see why so many people are confused:

So companies will just raise the MSRP.

You think it’s bad now, just wait.

Elon is never going to have sex with you. Just stop the shilling.

After all that work, it’s still the second best electric truck in that picture...

ahh...the benefits of a supple suspension!

I would have preferred a slideshow.

For this to matter you first need to be able to afford a $24k car.

Did this need to be an article?

Oh hey there, self-aware internet car guy!

Its uh... definitely not.