
The only thing this pilot will carry from now on is rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong...

This is interesting, but what does it have to do with cars? Or even transport in general? Is the connection the bridge part?

Not a pilot, but man I tell you what if ‘ol Sully had been there he would have landed that damned thing backwards, upside down in a tornado and not put a scratch on it, the hopped out and kissed a baby. LOL

More like “I’m Dollar Tree Shaq, because I can’t hit a free throw either.”  Other than race, height, athletic ability, and wealth, we are basically the same.

Government contracting is a science in and of itself. This fiscal year’s encumbered funds gets a slight mark-up for the next fiscal. Rinse and repeat.

Eggs are going down, and milk is holding steady. The bread manufacturers are gouging all over the place, though. 

Preparing for a lot of anecdotal “evidence” that gas prices aren’t going down nationally because it’s still high at their corner station, and a lot of “yeah but the price of eggs is up!” posts.

Nuh uh, Kurt Cobain probably drove a car at some point.

I think you accidentally changed the “YOU” TO “WE” in that last sentence of the quote.

Drive it more.  

Just not having a CVT is the real winner here. 🤣

I know how this all went down:


Remember that time on Jalopnik a few weeks ago when EV’s were doomed and auto makers were better off cancelling all of their EV programs?

beat me to it lol

I’ve been a motorcyclist for Decades. I’m 50, and I’ve been rolling on 2 wheels since I was 15.
I’ve ridden cross country many, many times.
I’ve ridden in and been waved at in nearly every state, plus 3 Provinces.

Brand new? I don’t know, I thought he preferred them a little older, maybe around 16.

There is an answer. It is very controversial and seems to upset a lot of people, particularly on the internet. I’ll probably be hunted down and doxxed into oblivion for even hinting at it, but here we go:

No doubt about it. I work for an online auto auction and many cars get bought back for undisclosed flood damage.

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