
If you can't find the problem just make the problem.

Some drums of oil is not hazardous waste, this was a car company, of course there is a bit of that. Have the lawyers figure out who owns it all, either it is the auction company or someone who will quickly engage an auction company. Let the auction happen. Hire a few temps, bring in a scrap metal dumpster, a normal

I was careful to not click. We need a feedback mechanism that encourages journalistic reporting, chapter and book length stories, artistic content and other long form mechanisms of art and entertainment.  Not snippets to feed short attention spans.

I used to enjoy your writing but now it is just pointless hot takes and name calling.

IMO, the GMC looks better than the Chevy. I don’t really care for either one. The newest Chevy Colorado, however, is appealing.

Great unacknowledged edit, premature Rory.

Insurance should not be a for-profit industry, especially health/dental/vision and any insurance one is required to have like auto. Its a scam, these big companies trying to find reasons to not pay you back or to charge you more if you use the service you are paying for.

For those interested, the basic legal term would be “conversion,” or the unauthorized exercise of control over someone else’s property.

I think the Scion take is the only bad one of the bunch.

Don’t say BMW (whatever series).

Just say.....BMW.

Yeah, MC Old-School! He’s dope.

Pretty sure one is a Cherokee and the other a Liberty 2 totally different models.

“Tale as old as time,

I can understand waxing rhapsodically about one’s first experience with a cougar.

Kicking Every EV Truck’s Ass In Sales”

Had a 05 E55.  Miss that thing everyday.  

I car that needs a new engine every 30k miles wouldn’t be on my short list for best cars ever. When they run they are great but these things are a nightmare.  Also it is not a sedan, Mazda calls it a “Quad Coupe”

If someone didn’t repost their content, would we even know CR still existed?

It’s comical seeing the threads on various forums of people complaining that the major carriers won’t insure them at all in some states, and those that do are quoting $350+ per month.

Yeah. Definitely not a cult.