
And who can afford trainers who yell at them constantly?

Oh god, no professional athlete would exercise that much in a day. It would destroy their bodies and make them unable to perform. Training for professional sports is often more practicing skills and abilities than pure exercise like they're showing on a show like this.

I know, it's INSANE. In addition to the high costs, the surgeries leave terrible scars, and I'm so torn as to what to do. Maybe a tummy tuck is okay, considering it's so close to the pubic line, but the arms and legs?? Yeesh. Not to mention the lasting stretch marks and not-so-perky boobies... sigh.

Even professional athletes don't exercise THAT much. There is practice for games or exhibitions, and there is body conditioning, which is exercise and stretching. The body conditioning part does not take more than 2 hours, max.

It's hard to maintain your loss after you've been subjected to a diet and exercise regime that destroys your metabolism. Ex-contestants burn dramatically fewer calories than other people who have lost similar amounts of weight, probably due to some effect caused by the extreme and dangerous ways the show pushes them

I have the same problem. I talked to my doctor about it and she said the only thing I could do would be skin removal surgery, which insurance won't cover unless it's deemed "medically necessary" (I.e. causing huge gaping sores). It's like $3,000 for an upper arm.

May I ask you a question regarding the aftermath of the weight loss? I'm slowly getting to the place where I'll have lost 60+ lbs, and its done a number to my body with respect to the extra skin. Its everywhere: inner thighs, triceps, and my stomach, of course. Did you do skin removal? Laser for the stretch marks? I'm

Good job! Keep at it!

Healthy weight loss is far too slow for a tv show.

No sane doctor/trainer/nutritionist would recommend it. One hour, an hour and a half of hard training is the most a person can do per day. And it's step by step. You rest, you teach your body to move and excercise. But of course this show has a deadline and an audience to impress. So they push these poor people to the

Much like rehab, this show is pointless if the contestants can't/won't/don't continue to maintain their success in a healthy way. As Cracked outlines, this failure is usually what happens.

I believe all of this. I knew there was now way you could healthily lose 50-100 lbs in a few months.

you should get the Mercedes, for time wasted and anguish suffered.

Bingo! Its harder to have the grown up conversation and say I met someone else, so he just flipped out. Im sorry, I know it super sucks right now. But you saved yourself some heart ache later on down the line. Some who acts like this partner material.

Way to go! This sounds super similar to a really rough breakup I had a few months ago, and the worst part is the surgical excision thing you mentioned — it's so cold and calculated and unkind, and it involves them saying the most unsettling and upsetting things they can think of in an effort to make you go away. It's

When someone does a weird 180 super douche explosion like that, likely they did something super shitty and are looking for a reason to exit. I wouldn't be surprised if you find out a later date that there was an motive to this strange reaction. Thing of it as dodging a major bullet, when someone acts like that the

You got this, girlfriend! Also, good riddance on the control freak.

congratulations on speaking up! It's not easy, but it was something you needed to do for yourself and you should be proud.

I guarantee you he'd been wanting to initiate a breakup but waited until he could find a way to blame you. Cowardice, manipulation, lack of empathy... he's a Republican allright.

Since we read this my husband says "I'm gonna have to take those leggings away from you" everyday as we walk out the door. He's a good man. Lmao