
This surprises me not at all.


We have to do this often at the library I work at. We get creepy guys all the time (mostly middle-aged men who are my dad’s age) hitting on every female library employee in site and unfortunately we can’t tell them to get the fuck out of our faces in the manner we want to.

You’re focusing on the wrong chicks, bro.

I’m really lucky I had a PhD advisor who was really concerned and thoughtful about why there aren’t enough women in the sciences. I would have felt comfortable telling him about something like this, and he would have a) found me someone else to help me with my research b) made an effort to get the guy fired c)

Usually, when a woman says “if you were younger...” it is an attempt to flatter an older man while at the same time saying loud and clear that he is *far* too old for her to consider dating.

“ambiguous signals he had received from her statements and conduct.”

This sucks and all, but I read this as, “endangered-species branch CHEF,” and I thought I was going nuts. I had to read that sentence through twice before it clicked into place that he was the branch CHIEF. Also, don't hit on people you work with. The end.

Oh, noes! Memories Pizza, by providing pizza to a gay wedding, has now “sanctioned” or “participated in” a gay marriage! Guess they won’t be getting into Heaven now!

If you change “LGTBetc” to “black”, you can see the 1960 version of yourself. Also, change to “women” to see the Saudi version. It’s a fun game, think of all the possibilities!

Those awful LGBTs want rights, but then they’re hypocritically doing normal things like engaging in commerce! I too am appalled!

Sooo thankful we did not stop this year. We take a longass drive to grandma’s. YES. WAFFLE HOUSE WAS THE RIGHT CHOICE. ( the first time this has ever been said).

So you don’t like a heavily madeup face but still maintain that some women need it to be attractive...basically your ideal is the faux-natural madeup face and women who veer to far from it in either direction are less attractive. What I’m trying to point out is that your scale isn’t balanced and that’s the result of a

I’m guessing the word “porn” brought them out.

I totally hear you. And I guess it depends on how you define “the right dress”. For me it was trying on a dress that I didn’t want to take off. And I hate shopping, I hate dressing rooms, spending money gives me hives, etc. But I just felt amazing in the dress. It was comfortable and flattering and it made me happy to

See, I could never understand the whole wedding dress thing. Having to “just know” that it’s “THE dress” always seemed a little...silly to me. (full disclosure: I’m a gay dude who loves the idea of weddings but thinks the stressing out is CRAY-CRAY.)

Thanks for this.

I’m really trying to engage with this in a polite way but struggling because you just ticked off pretty much every box on the biphobia bingo sheet.

This comment makes me a little suspicious that you’re really trying to defend this guy. Are you AAA? Most of us reading this can see through this idea that he is only “subconsciously” guilting his girlfriend. It’s been brought to his attention repeatedly by both of the people he has admitted to abusing. He has

Somehow not the least informed thing in that post.