
I read about this yesterday and it made me teary. Turkey and the Turkish people have done SO MUCH for Syrian refugees, it really reaffirms your faith in humanity. Not everyone has been awesome but these two kids totally make up for that.

And hopefully this reminds people that there are a TON of refugees from Syria (and a shit load of other places) that need help. So many refugees get forgotten that a couple doing this and making the news might just help. I can’t see the bad here.

THANK YOU. Also, something tells me that the publicity around this event will inspire more couples to do the same. So even if you think that the couples’ actions are cheapened by the publicity, the publicity has probably also inspired many people to help more.

Aw man. My husband and I wanted to make a group volunteer event part of our wedding party activites the week of the wedding and there was a REVOLT. People were incredibly unhappy about the idea of donating food to the local food bank and spending a few hours packing it. Heaven forbid we had incorporated that into the

I wish I came from a family this selfless. There are people in my family that will outright revolt if they don’t get their lukewarm chicken and tasteless square of wedding cake.

I only wish I would have done the same kind of thing. Honestly, I wish I was this selfless.

Put. It. On. The. Fries.

I’ve never in my life struck another person, and only even threatened to once, but dear god if I had seen this I would have killed her with my teeth. It’s just too bad to be dealt with any other way.

1) Bad foam is gross.

Later stages of the disorder manifest with cravings for large quantities of caramel syrup. Only one case of recovery has been documented, in a patient who later procured an apology pizza.

The problem with that is that everyone assumes the sign is meant for Other People, not them. It’s a mystery, but it’s true.

I continue to apologize while I’m refunding her drink, while she continues to stand there and ladle out her drink onto a plate. The cars are backing up in the drive thru and I explain that I have to get back to my window, and she says, “No, you will wait here until I’ve gotten all the foam out of this drink.”

I haven’t even finished this but I did just finish the no foam cappuccino story, and it’s making me angry. Not even ironically angry or funny angry. I just loathe most no foam orders. The person almost always has no understanding about how their drink is made and when there is even a small amount of foam in their

What your response really should have been:

Everyone knows the real way to impress your date is to order them fish-flavored pancakes during dinner rush. DUH.

This week’s bet for Pinkham’s law: Crowl Royal (“Look, he SAID it came in pints or pitchers! Some people dooon’t knoooow...”)

The brain, which we often think of as the source of higher thought and reason, is divided into various regions. One of these regions is the brainstem, which plays a vital role in the regulation of the body’s various functions such as breathing, metabolism, and locomotion.

When I rule the world the punishment for snapping your fingers to summon a server shall be the loss of said digits. I can’t even read a description of someone doing that without a red haze descending across my vision.

I came here hoping someone would be talking about the classism from this episode, how Caitlyn said that young trans people are not working because they get more money from social programs. This. This is what you chose to highlight??????? Hopefully there’s someone with more than a fluff piece in the morning.