
Yes. White people can have everything, EVERYTHING! The few things we can’t have are very small and insignificant, like not being able to say a word. Or, I dunno, dance? Other stuff too I’m sure. But it’s not like anyone can just say any racial slur, there’s no race that gets to do that, you know? Ugh. Now I’m just

And even beyond having their OWN capital, they by far and away have the best access to venture capital. And VCs like to invest in people who look like them, so....

Okay am I the only one who wants his hair to gain sentience and have the voice of a sassy drag queen? A sassy drag queen voice and it’s own talk show... A talk show where it delivers the hard to hear truths and reunites people with their loved ones.

You keep bringing such interesting things to this conversation, really.
There are even some studies that show that male friendships are typically not as “deep” because men have been socialized (I like to call it brainwashed) to the whole “dont show emotions” “if I talk about feelings with mah friends or if I tell them

Yeah, no idea, but even if it is related to a biologically stronger sex drive (?), I still think that’s only part of the issue. I think men also tend to see women as nurturing (after all, that’s literally true, “nutrix” = “wet nurse”), and it’s natural and human to crave that kind of warmth at times. Women can provide

I comment on these articles because they ruin my day.

awwww totally, totally. I agree with everything you said.
I think men are reluctant to talk openly about these issues for yet another of these shitty impositions that “men dont have feelings” and all that, you know. To the point that some men become unable to open themselves because they have been brainwashed all their

Stop rationalizing hate towards women. I’m gonna get mad forreal

Cosign all of this. Not trying to be holier than thou like I’m somehow above all this myself but, I feel sorry for dudes that try so hard and struggle with all this seeing so many people being happy while they can never seem to achieve that in their own life. And I feel sorry for the women that have to bear the burden

This is another ridiculously valid point...there’s so much us vs. them in all of this - how do I talk to A WOMAN?? How do I date A WOMAN?? How do I sex A WOMAN?? It’s just ridiculous. It’s not even these guys’ fault - they’ve been conditioned since they were very small that it is a very gendered world with all these

Well, I’m just speaking from my experience. I wasn’t talking so much on just happiness though. More on self fulfillment. I mean, I’m not saying you will have to do no work but, I’ve found that if you work out, dress fairly well, read interesting books and expand your world view, maybe have a good career and a lot

The thing that makes me sad about posts like yours is that so many guys appear to think of women as these alien things - when ultimately we are PEOPLE, just like you. If you have close and warm friendships with men, you can have a relationship with a woman. Most of us are not looking for the World’s Most Interesting

The interesting thing is I know my share of women who have had zero to no dating history, and I just don’t hear this same level of anger towards men. Part of it may be that never getting asked out may not have the same sting as getting rejected after asking someone out, but in general I hear women tend to blame

This is exactly correct. I am in the best shape of my life and after my 6 year break up, went from avg joe to toned athlete and I am still in the same sorry mental shape of the letter writer. I activly get checked out by women and all I can think of is how they won’t like me or how it won’t work or we won’t have

And to control people who do have sex. If a bloke hasn’t lost it, he’s a sad loser. If a woman has lost it, she’s damaged goods/deflowered/a whore. Of course these are just two examples and they’re not the same for everyone, and they can jump the gender line depending on the social circles, but the whole concept of

And also to quote Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can or you can’t - you’re right.” The more you insist that you’re going to be Forever Alone, the more right you are.

Or you could *do* something about it.

So where DO you go to be reminded?

Still wondering why someone posts the exact same question every week.

In all honesty this letter could have been written by me because I have felt and gone through almost everything he has talked about and sometimes I still catch myself thinking that way.

If it makes you feel any better - women feel the same way about their own bodies. Between porn, women’s magazines, cosmetics ads, Disney princess stuff, etc., we’re trained from day one to be super-critical of our faces, bodies, hair, clothing, even our own sexual desires and interests. Remember when you see those