
People (public consumers) take what developers say as literal fact, even if it isn’t. Which they have a right too, especially if they don’t word in in a way like “I hope to include” “things may change” etc.

This was heartbreaking to watch, we’ll never know what would have happened. Gamerbee you’re the 2015 champion in my head.

The sole reason this game is even happening right now is because Sony is footing the bill and handling all the marketing. They also helped push that capcom prize goal for their tourneys. To top it off it isn’t even a PS4 exclusive it is going to be on PC and have cross platform play which will create a great community

Well, Sony had a lot to do with funding the game, so it wouldn’t make sense for them to be ok with Capcom putting the game on their competitor’s console.

In terms of exclusive pre-order “goodies”... snap out of it. The stuff you’re getting with “Collector’s Editions” is not for collectors. It’s junk. It’s mostly just cheap figures and statues, useless trinkets, over-sized boxes and half-assed art books.

Cause gamers that comment on these forums are generally spoiled brats who love to nitpick every aspect of a game without appreciating the level of effort and difficulty that goes into making them. Doesn’t matter if it’s a near perfect game, they will still call the developer “lazy” if something isn’t 100% as they

I wouldn’t say it’s disappointing, it’s actually right in line with everything Jason does in the Friday The 13th movies: kinda cheesy and kinda funny in a low budget gory way.

heres the question, it “needs to go away” why exactly? some of us like fuller featured games than could be reasonably expected on the buget that could be supported by the current “on the box” price tag. we are reasonable enough to expect that since the price of games has gone down slightly since the snes era, yet the

No... no... no no no no no no no no no no

Different cultures. Some of the video gaming community were exposed to intense bullying at some point in their life. Especially older gamers who were growing up in a time when video games were less culturally accepted.

You misunderstood me. I was referring to the egocentric attitudes found in most sports cultures. Particularly the way people with strength belittle those with less (which is what leffen was doing in a less physical sense) I played sports for a period of my childhood, I loved the game...didn’t care much for how people

Since when do friends not play to win? Since when is rivalry not a part of being friends? Why would anyone enter a tournament, let alone a top-level tourny, and not do their best? Are you really a pro if you’re willing to rest on your laurels?

On the top 8 and professional play, there is a lot spectacle. On a armature level, everything is more personal. You’re a prick if you become a villain off the main stage.

Why do all douches have to wear their hair all douchey like that?

I love it when assholes think they are doing others a service by being assholes. And by “love it,” I mean it is insufferable.

So wait...his logic is that he decided to be a douchebag because no one else was willing to step up to the plate?


Nah, there are plenty of pretentious, condescending dickheads on

Heels in wrestling are entertaining because it’s not real. Being a heel in real life doesn’t make you entertaining, it makes you a prick.

The real reason he’s called Boruto is because the series’ good ideas were all used up a long time ago. ;P