
I’m perusing the comments here and primary take-away (as a non-player) is that the game got harder, and people playing at higher difficulties are mad at the idea of playing at lower difficulties because pride.

Counterpoint: Developers are human, and humans can only put up with so much bullshit politely before snapping

I feel like with this and Larian Studios receiving toxicity, it’s almost as if this doesn’t really happen because of “bad games,” but because gamers are entitled Karens who don’t recognize the human cost of the games they played.

As far as I’m concerned, all developer interactions with gamers should just be a double mid

The entitlement of consumers, in all fields, is galling.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t speak up when wronged, but have a little respect for the other person in the conversation. Be as professional as you expect them to be dammit.

The people who are whining already bought your game, they are literally the players least likely to leave since they’re posting on your discord. Those players should be told they can’t have cookies for dinner every night. 

Devs didnt lie or say anything wrong.

Doesn’t matter that two different teams worked on it, they came from the same place and there’s a reasonable expectation there”

The solution is to outlaw social media and internet comment sections, straight up. There will still be the occasional psycho who shows up at the dev’s office, but the democratization of the internet was a mistake and I think we can all agree with that. Since 2015 things have just gotten exponentially worse. Someone

Yeah, gamer bros like you should go fuck off.

I just wish that people would stop being so bad that I have to routinely be on f***in Disney’s side of arguments...

That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.

No.  This is not the topic to try to go “but on the other hand”.  THERE IS NO OTHER HAND.  The toxicity needs to stop, end of conversation.

Unfortunately, $50,000,000 is not even a slap on the wrist or a tickle of the foot to these bastards nor the media who hawks them. Now they have Microsoft wealth, they’re rich beyond comprehension. That’s not to say I’m not glad you’re reporting on this, but I’ve become so jaded to this shit happening in the games

If royalties are low then they should be demanding better wages upfront before signing any contracts.

Torrenting can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning.

My Guess would be to time gate things, slow progression a bit, but to also eliminate your character from becoming overpowered early on.

But is it actually an open world game? Serious question. It doesn’t feel like one. I played Tears of the Kingdom and then Starfield and Tears felt like an open world. Starfield felt like a bunch of areas connected by forced fast travel. 

Some of the BIG timesinks (bases) aren’t actually useful and don’t do anything. Likewise, you don’t need to do a bunch of crafting once you get the ability to put mods on weapons. Spaceflight is neat but once you get a good ship you’ll cheese everything really easily. And there’s a design issue in that NPCs don’t

Such an unbelievably bad look from them. Not that Bethesda has many good looks, but man. What on earth do they imagine is the value of responding to reviews saying “I dont think this game is fun” with “Well we think its super fun. Maybe the most fun, so, nyeh. -Bethesda”. Genuinely feels like Todd Howard’s massively

One of my favorite things in Dark Souls 3 is battling through a grueling landscape, slogging through an interminable swamp at the base of an enormous bridge and then you pop out somewhere higher up once you have the context of where you’ve been and see’s all there, visible and connected, covering maybe