
Have you met gamers? They get treated how poorly as they do because they ACT as poorly as they do. If a customer base shits on you as much as gamers do, then you have every right to call out their bullshit.

I am 100% truly happy for everyone who is really enjoying these remakes... But I still hate square Enix for what I feel is a big red smear on what was one of the greatest games of all time. The wanna-be action combat, the boring side fetch quests, the story revisions... Literally all of it is the complete opposite I

Gamers are seriously some of the worst human beings, and I'm often embarrassed to admit I'm in the same group as all these pieces of shit who feel justified in being terrible human beings for no reason other than a video game wasn't made SPECIFICALLY for them alone.

Standards really have fallen when the only thing that matters is "more", quality and pacing be damned.

These people don’t want actual free speech. They just want THEIR speech to be entirely free of consequences.

No, it is so NOT back. Blizzard has done everything they've can to slowly destroy most of the teamwork in this game.

Hooray capitalism! Where the bottom line is the ONLY thing that matters!

I know there’s at least some people who enjoy Starfield, but to me it’s a classic case of “do the least effort possible because we have enough goodwill that we can get away with it”.

Would easily have won more if they didn't choose to go back in time to the super archaic item durability.

Has Square Enix ever made a good mana game? Or was it all the MUCH better developers from the superior SquareSoft?

Or if they even care. They know fanboys throw money at them for minimum effort, clearly.

How am I supposed to swim for a decade in a pool that's only as deep as a puddle? Thank goodness unpaid labor will be Bethesda's asses out AGAIN.

My rotting VHS collection is what prevents me from getting a Blu-ray collection. Cause when I'm old and want to watch the classics, they'll surely have figured out another medium by then.

My old VHS collection disagrees, and someday your Blu-ray collection will too.

My old VHS collection has me 100% avoiding physical media. Corporations are also convincing me to not ever buy their digital only media. So like, yarrrrr.

It's almost as if the film and video game industry WANT people to pirate things. They are doing everything they can to take ownership away from us... Other than streaming services is ANYONE comfortable actually buying a piece of DRM media? I know I am not. 

I’ve been in Boycott Blizzard mode ever since the W3 debacle... They keep getting worse. My boycott continues to feel justified.

Don’t worry everyone, he’ll come out and be OP in obvious ways for far longer than necessary, then they’ll “fix him” and he’ll be weak as shit in, again, obvious ways for far longer than necessary and maybe in about a year he'll be in a good place. It's the Blizzard Way!

Popular does not equal quality when a monopoly is involved.

Popular does not mean beneficial.  You should re-read the comment you replied to.