
This could be amazing. This could have fixed everything. This could be everything they promised us. I'm still not going to give this piece of shit company any of my money ever. Stop selling incomplete games.

Like all AAA games these days, I'll try it in 2-3 years. Yanno, when it's much better game, with less bugs, and more player friendly systems.

Bringing the medium to the mainstream is what brought in big investors, and big investors are EASILY the worst thing to ever happen to gaming.

I don't get what the problem is. Why would this company be winning any awards anyways? For the call of duty that is basically the same game every year? Or the terrible wow expansions lately? Seems like a non story.

You act as if countless industries don’t want to unionize when it’s not that easy. This country has all but made it impossible, when so many people are living paycheck to paycheck, people have trouble leaving their job even for a few weeks. Employees for decades have been promising to unionize, but it’s kinda

People keep paying for this garbage, so why would they ever bother to improve?

I love the straw man argument of “people say”. The people who I know and have talked about Aliens to for most of our lives, always refer to the first one. No one gives a shit about the generic action-y Aliens and literally every single one of them prefer the horror Alien.  I wouldn't care if I never saw Aliens again,

And yet three separate groups have managed to make more stable servers with their mods... How this giant company can't figure this shit out simply shows how much they only care the bare minimum to get your dollars.

Shit company does a shit job, trying to coast on almost ancient success, doing the bare minimum while expecting fanboys to lap it all up. Nothing new here.

Hunched over your computer? What is this 1997? Enter the new millennium bro, we have wireless controllers and HDMI cables. Hell, PCs have WAY more freedom than original hardware or even modern consoles, as I can play on my couch and choose whichever systems controller I want to use.

Sucks for everyone who is a part of Facebook, but damn am I glad that over 10 years ago I deleted my social media and haven't touched a single Facebook product since. Studies very obviously show the negative effect social media has upon a person's psyche.

Since when is 5 dollars off "super cheap". Kotaku has seriously become a huge joke lately.

Since when is 5 dollars off "super cheap". Kotaku has seriously become a huge joke lately.

How is this an article? Kotaku has seriously fallen to new lows when "man puts xbox on top of books" is an actual article.

The casting of peter dinklage as Tyrion didn't rectify anything. It drastically changed the character because of a lack of actors who look like the character in the book. And personally ruined the character in the show to me

I just wish i could've slogged through the boring combat and terrible open world system to finish this game, but it's just plain not fun. I found this to be the worst final fantasy released. Not to mention basically forced inactivity as you simply auto pilot the car.  I simply couldn't make it.