What "Anime" Means

The word anime is often defined as “animation from Japan.” If only it were that simple!

You're forgiven! You are a rad 17-year-old.

Gosh, im sorry :( it was a stupid comment. I should have just researched myself (which i just did) But really i wasn't even born when ff4 came out. However give me some credit because how many seventeen-year-olds are sitting around playing ff9 and grandia right now? Anyway, as an avid reader of your articles, I am

This comment bums me out. :(

You mean in another four.

Though I'm inclined to roll my eyes at the way some Japanese games portray women—some being the key word!—I'm more interested in knowing why. The cultural gap is what's interesting but often left out. Claude Smith translated a conversation between Kadokawa Games' representative director Yasuda Yoshimi and InteractKK

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I care until they start mounting guns and chain saw tails to the damned thing and they start behaving like this:

You die... you die now!

They're publishers. By definition they're out of touch with the industry they work with.

I love XSEED, as they're basically the new Working Designs (only they release games more than once a decade). Plus, they've really set the standards for how art/guidebooks packed in with games should be, like the Shinobi Syllabus that comes with "Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus'" Let's Get Physical Limited Edition. It's

Velma [Scooby-Doo]

Lucky Chloe was created because female fans of the franchise asked the director for a female character that was easier to play. They asked Kozaki-san (KYMG of No More Heroes fame) to design a cute character for her.

I think she's pretty amazing....

You know, if I had to scroll all the way through my article to read your comment, the least you could have done was reach the second paragraph of my article.

I don't just read Kotaku unironically, I write for it too!

My theory is that they were waiting for the invention of dubstep so they could properly score it.

I absolutely hated the ending though. I thought one specific character made a few REALLY stupid decisions.